Yes, the cliché that women chat more with their girlfriends about intimate details, new acquaintances and relationships is true. The dating portal Parship got to the bottom of this prejudice with the help of a study.
63 percent of all women involve their boyfriends and girlfriends in dating, even though almost half of the men see getting to know each other as a private matter that only concerns them. For this study, Parship surveyed over 1000 singles and couples between the ages of 18 and 69.
Even if women in particular get a lot of advice from outside, both about a new contact and about their relationship, more than 60 percent said they were grateful for the advice and assessment, but ultimately listened to their own gut feeling . Just six percent of men and three percent of women would end contact on a date on the advice of their circle of friends.
Between the ages of 18 and 29, the participants’ need for communication and exchange seems to be greatest. In your thirties, the curve tapers off and the study also reveals that the older you get, the less you talk about your love life. A proud 61 percent of all participants aged 60 and over stated that when it came to love, they were only interested in personal feelings, but not in the opinion of others about their relationship.
The richness of detail in the stories also peaked in the 20s. 22 percent in this age group stated that they would tell their friends absolutely everything about the new acquaintance. However, between 20 and 30 percent of all ages are definitely interested in outside opinions, listen to them with interest and then consider how to deal with them personally.
But a full five percent of women and eight percent of men also say: “I don’t really want to hear exactly what the other opinion is, after all I’m happily in love right now”.
Source: Parship study