Premiere in the fifth episode of the 13th season of “The Lion’s Den”: For the first time, a founder gets a deal that involves moving to another city. Two founders present a product that no one likes, but in which two lions are interested and then there are also relationship tips.

The consumer psychologist and interior designer Chanté Nöhlen developed the marketplace app “Interio Circle” for used furnishings. With the free app, she wants to encourage more people to make the world a little fairer. Advertisements can be placed with the help of pictures or videos. Users can search the marketplace platform or just browse, buy instantly or trade. In order to advance the platform, Nöhlen needs 200,000 euros and offers 20 percent.

“The desire for a beautiful home is increasing immensely, the market is booming, I have my finger on the pulse,” the founder introduced herself to the lions. Department store king Ralf Dümmel (56) wants more numbers. He gets it: 98 percent of the proceeds go to the sellers, two percent are to be spent on social causes. The founders want to earn money with advertising. The current turnover is 50 euros.

Carsten Maschmeyer (63) is impressed: “Having the courage to show up here with a turnover of 50 euros is awesome.” The founder is certain: “We are still a small platform that is scaling upwards.” Maschmeyer grabs Dagmar Wöhrl (68) and whispers. Meanwhile, Tillman Schulz (33) gets out. “You are an amazing founder, but for me the turnover doesn’t fit.” Dumb follows. “I’m not the right partner for that. Strong performance, but I’m out.” Nils Glagau (47) also doesn’t want to invest because he can’t really promote the product.

Maschmeyer hesitates, wavers, hesitates. “You have an assessment that I’ve never heard before. You have to look at everything with a magnifying glass. It’s all atomic.” Wöhrl feels the same way. “There’s so much going for you. But there are other points to consider as well. You got a very high rating on almost nothing.” But somehow the two entrepreneurs don’t want to cancel either. The founder fights. She would even move for a deal. This fighting spirit moves Maschmeyer. Again he whispers to Wöhrl. “Would you be willing to move to Berlin or Munich?” he wants to know. The founder lives in Mönchengladbach and would be willing, even if she had to ask her husband first.

In the end, Maschmeyer pulls himself together, Wöhrl formulates the offer of the two. “It’s not easy, you need a lot of support. It’s not possible with 20 percent. We need 40 percent here.” Plus moving to Munich or Berlin. The founder calls her husband. After a long, intensive struggle and three rounds of consultations, the founders and investors agree. The lion’s den experiences a premiere: The first deal with relocation.

Lion’s cage open for Florian Hornig and Marcel Büttner. The two best friends have developed “Fruping”, spiced toppings for fruit. On a trip through Mexico, the students got to know the spices for fruits. Her flat share became a test kitchen and “Fruping” fruit and spice mixtures were created in the flavors sweet hibiscus, dark coconut and lemon chilli. They cost 4.90 euros per can, in a set of 3 just under 15. The founders want 70,000 euros for 20 percent of the shares.

The lions are allowed to taste all three varieties. Criticism rains down. When it comes to bananas, the lions initially only taste “banana” and no hibiscus spice. Carnation doesn’t like Maschmeyer at all. The cinnamon note “almost has a numbing effect on the tongue,” says Schulz. With “Fresh Chili” Maschmeyer has a “feeling of disturbance”. Dümmel doesn’t really taste much chili. Wöhrl always has a chili grinder in his handbag anyway.

The founders are surprised. “We’re just amazed, we’ve never received such feedback.” So far, at least 2000 pieces have been sold. No convincing argument for Maschmeyer, the entrepreneur gets out again immediately because he “doesn’t like it at all”. Wöhrl follows suit. “I don’t think the target group is that big. If you want spices, you can get them from the spice cupboard.” Glagau doesn’t bite either. “The taste of the products didn’t convince me, so I’m out.”

Now is the time for the two trade experts. Schulz believes in “Fruping”, offers 70,000 euros, but wants 30 percent. Then Dümmel gets into the ring: “I think your story is great, the topic is exciting and I would like to go on a journey with you.” He also offers 70,000 euros for 30 percent.

In the fight “old lion against young lion”, the founders finally decide for Dümmel.

The founders of Homb (“hop on my back”), Nina Sommer and Stefanie Fischer, were looking for a solution for carrying children in everyday life. They developed “Homb”, an innovative backpack with an integrated child carrying function. “Homb” offers space for everything you need on the go, is made of recycled polyester and is suitable for children from the age of two and up to 25 kilograms. The founders need 150,000 euros and offer 20 percent. The “Homb” backpack should cost 149 euros. “That’s more expensive than a stroller,” exclaims Judith Williams (51).

Maschmeyer is not convinced. “It’s only useful if you still have a certain distance to go, otherwise you won’t do all the jingling and jingling.” He gets off. Glagau too. “I think you guys have a small niche, I don’t believe in big scaling.” Dümmel thinks the company’s rating is very high. “It’s a cute story, but the target audience is small, the price is high, I’m out.” Wöhrl deter the many belts. “That needs a lot of explanation. I would also be afraid that my child would get used to it. Children should walk, so I’m out.” Williams stays, but she doesn’t bite either. “The product doesn’t have the market power to assert itself, so I’m out too.”

No deal for the disappointed founders of “Hombs”.

Jaane Henning, Johanna Lubig and Tom Haubner have developed a relationship app for couples. The idea came to the two couple therapists during the Corona crisis: many couples were forced to spend a lot of time together – which often led to relationship problems. With the help of the relationship app for couples “recoupling” this should now get better: the app for couples encourages them to work on their relationship. “Thanks to us, you can take your relationship to the next level with just six minutes of your time a day,” the founders introduce themselves. In order to reach more people, the founders need 150,000 euros and offer 10 percent.

Wöhrl finds the topic exciting, but cannot imagine that it works in everyday life and leaves. Maschmeyer is enthusiastic. “The biggest stress factor in life, apart from work, is private life. I’ve already ruined a relationship.” He brings Janna Ensthaler (38) to him. While the two are still whispering, Nils Glagau suddenly snaps. “I think there’s a big market, I think you’re great and I want to accompany you.” He offers 150,000 euros for 15 percent.

Maschmeyer and Ensthaler want to do something together and offer 150,000 euros for 20 percent. The founders discuss, hesitate. Maschmeyer follows up and increases to 200,000 euros for 20 percent. The founders discuss again, but giving up 20 percent is too much for them. Surprisingly, Glagau gets the contract. And Maschmeyer, who was counting on the deal, looks pretty beat up.

Founders of “eco-softfibre” and developers of the sustainable foam as an alternative to polyurethane foams are Christian and Bernd Wacker, father and son from Görlitz. The eco-softfibre team has specialized in the production of the sustainable organic foam in the processing of leather shavings, a by-product of the leather industry that was previously disposed of. The material has physical properties similar to traditional polyurethane foam and is biodegradable. The founders need support in marketing and sales. They offer ten percent of the company shares for 500,000 euros.

“We have developed a new, environmentally friendly material, only we can do that,” introduce the father and son. “An ecological flexible foam made from leather shavings.” And a patent is already pending. One square meter costs 200 euros, one square meter PU 20 euros. The lions are allowed to touch the fabric. “Fluffy, almost like marshmallow,” says Williams. Maschmeyer finds this commendable, but questions the assessment and learns that the founders receive government grants. Glagau gets going: “Great performance, great alternative, I find your rating disadvantageous, I don’t like everything that much, that’s why I’m out”. Also not a suitable investment for department store king Dümmel.

At Maschmeyer, doubts prevail in the end. “You’re not set up well enough, I don’t trust you as a team, that’s why I’m out.” Schulz doesn’t get in either. “I love father-son stories, but I’m an investor, I need a finished product.” With the cancellation of Williams, the last hope has burst. “It’s extremely unfortunate that you guys don’t have the right team for the invention, so I’m out.” No deal for “eco-softfibre”.