The musical “Harmony”, co-written by Schlager star Barry Manilow (79), about the history of the Comedian Harmonists, is still coming to New York’s Broadway. The piece should premiere in the fall, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing the authors.

Manilow, who is world-famous for songs like “Mandy” and “Can’t Smile Without You” and was also honored with a concert at the renowned Carnegie Hall at the weekend, has been working on the musical with author Bruce Sussman for around 30 years. It was first performed in California in 1997, and later also in Atlanta and Los Angeles – but the play only made it to New York last year and initially only to a smaller theater, where it got good reviews.

“Harmony: A New Musical” tells the story of the legendary German vocal group Comedian Harmonists. It begins with a performance by the six members at New York’s Carnegie Hall in 1933, then goes back and tells the story of the a cappella ensemble from its inception in the 1920s.