The crime series “Morden im Norden” with Ingo Naujoks and Sven Martinek has been successful on ARD for eleven years – now the Lübeck chief inspectors Finn Kiesewetter and Lars Englen are appearing in a feature film for the first time. Filming for the 90-minute thriller “Am Abgrund” has begun in Lübeck and the surrounding area. It is expected to be shown on the first at 8:15 p.m. in early January 2024, as ARD announced on Wednesday.

In the television film, chief inspector Finn Kiesewetter (Martinek) is the focus of attention, because he is being investigated internally after a deadly operation after he shot an armed hostage-taker in a parking garage as emergency aid. He also saved the life of his friend and colleague Lars Englen (Naujoks). But then the hostage (Maja Juric) says that the perpetrator had already surrendered. Kiesewetter is suspended from duty and faces a charge of manslaughter.

The production of the eleventh season with its 14 episodes will follow directly after the shooting of the feature film until November. The episodes of the tenth season are scheduled to air in January, as always on Mondays at 6:50 p.m.

The pre-evening series “Morden im Norden” has become a crowd favorite in recent years. Most recently, according to ARD, the series had an average market share of 15.5 percent – a record audience for “Morden im Norden”.