With its long-running crime thriller “Ein Fall für Zwei”, ZDF attracted most TV viewers to the screen on Friday evening. An average of 4.89 million watched the episode “Sondergänger” at prime time from 8:15 p.m. This corresponds to a market share of 18.6 percent.
RTL came in second. With the dance show “Let’s Dance”, the private broadcaster reached an audience of 3.83 million (16.5 percent). The first convinced 3.20 million viewers (12.2 percent) with the family drama “At Home in the Mountains: The Second Born”.
Around 1.29 million (5.5 percent) wanted to see the talent show “The Voice Kids” on Sat.1, the thriller “Escape Room” on ProSieben 1.10 million (4.3 percent).
RTLzwei had the Dino strip “Vergessene Welt – Jurassic Park” from 1997 in its program and attracted 1.01 million viewers (4.0 percent) in front of the television. The docu-soap “Goodbye Germany! Love to the end of the world” tuned in on Vox 860,000 (3.3 percent). And an edition of the US series “Criminal Minds” on Kabel Eins saw 510,000 people (1.9 percent) from 8:15 p.m.