If you tried to condense Matt Groening’s vast universe into a few words, all you’d end up with is alcohol, lack of concentration and stupidity. That’s what all of his series that America’s busiest prankster has created since the 80s are about. Both “The Simpsons” and “Futurama” (which takes place in the future) as well as the steampunk elf fantasy series “Disenchantment” are actually all about failure.

His work is probably the most comprehensive and wise portrait of morals of modern times: no trend was missed, no topic that hasn’t already been touched upon, and every joke, no matter how outlandish, has found its place. The authors’ predictive power is also almost uncanny: from the smartwatch, to debates about how naked works of art can be, to the election of Donald Trump as US President – Matt Groening’s bizarre world was very often overtaken by reality.

Reason enough to list the 50 best words of wisdom from his three series on Matt Groening’s 70th birthday:

Homer, Simpsons, Problem Solver

Elfo, Disenchantment, doesn’t want to live like that

Bender, Futurama, insightful

Homer, Simpsons, about full commitment

Matt Groening, creator of it all

Mr. Burns, Simpsons, spills trade secrets

Agnes – not everything used to be better – Skinner, Simpsons

Homer, Simpsons, about priorities

Bender, Futurama, has a future

Homer, Simpsons, Nutritionist

Homer, Simpsons, Mathegenie

Princess Bean, Disenchantment, determined

Matt Groening, forward looking

Bart, Simpsons, doubts gender fluidity

Homer, Simpsons, is ahead of its time

Grounded: Princess Bean, Disenchantment

Seymour Skinner, Simpsons, on modern pedagogy

Homer, Simpsons, on Marx’s teachings

Class Fighter Bart, Simpsons

Bart, Simpsons, was apparently never in Germany

Homer, Simpsons, employment lawyer

Bart, Simpsons, anticipates influencers

Homer, The Simpsons, Career Advisor

Also an educator: police chief Clarence Wiggum, Simpsons

Concentrator Bart, Simpsons

Homer, Simpsons, about tying the knot

Ralph Wiggum, Simpsons

Jury, Simpsons

Homer, Simpsons, self-sacrificing

Mr. Burns, Simpsons, Erbe

Rod Flanders, Simpsons, on dress codes

Barney Gumble, Simpsons, is optimistic

Bart, Simpsons, prevented surgeon

Matt Groening, father

Homer, Simpsons on plant-based nutrition

Cool Bart, Simpsons

Princess Bean, Disenchantment, ready to learn

Homer, Simpsons, about self-knowledge

Bender, Futurama, pessimistic

Bart, Simpsons, about physics

Homer, Simpsons, confident

Bart, Simpsons, no mother

Null emphatisch: Luci, Disenchantment

Homer, Simpsons, insightful

Stylishly impress with Mayor Quimby, Simpsons

Homer, Simpsons, Economist

Bart, Simpsons, gives it his all

Homer, Simpsons, about faith

King through and through: Zøg, Disenchantment

Bart, Homer and Lisa, Simpsons, singing