After a Mother’s Day special, another special episode of “Grill den Henssler” follows: Steffen Henssler (51) has to compete against prominent twins next Sunday (May 19th, 8:15 p.m. on VOX and RTL). Cheyenne and Valentina Pahde (29) as well as Dennis and Benni Wolter (33) want to defeat the professional chef. There is no family connection behind another pairing that takes part in the cooking duel, but rather an optical one.

Ur-Bachelor Paul Janke (42) and his “double”, beach volleyball player Julius Brink (41), will compete as the third pair of twins and have to prove their solidarity. The starters will initially be presented by the “World Wide Living Room” moderation duo Dennis and Benni Wolter. They created a seven-part tapas platter under the title “Albondigas, pollo con piña dorada, gambas al ajillo, boquerones fritos, dátiles con bacon, pimientos y tortilla” and brought in their Ballermann enthusiasm. Steffen Henssler also reported on an experience on the party mile in Mallorca in the show: “I was at the Bierkönig in the evening, Tim Toupet was performing there and I was already doing well. He saw me, and then I stood on stage and… bawled along.”

The main course is cooked by Cheyenne and Valentina Pahde. They want to take the win with “Sea bass with pistachio olive crunch, sugar snap peas, fennel and tomatoes.” Christian Rach’s jury’s verdict was: “One of the best fish courses I’ve ever had at ‘Grill den Henssler’.” Things then get private when presenter Laura Wontorra (35) asks about Valentina Pahde’s relationship status. “I’m not saying anything about my status. But I’m saying I’m fine.” During her vacation in Australia she enjoyed the “strong shoulders” of the Australian surfers. “And it wasn’t just one…”

In the end, Julius Brink and Paul Janke create “Three Kinds of Bananas”. This time the cooking coach is Ralf Zacherl (53), and as always the dishes are judged by Reiner Calmund (75), Jana Ina Zarrella (47) and Christian Rach.