Early in the morning, detectives Tessa Ott (Carol Schuler) and Isabelle Grandjean (Anna Pieri Zuercher) are called to a crime scene in Zurich Zoo: the victim is a chimpanzee. Although prosecutor Anita Wegenast (Rachel Braunschweig) classifies the brutal act as damage to property, which is legally correct but morally questionable, Ott continues to investigate on his own. “We share 99 percent of the same DNA!” she complains, adding that the discussion about human rights for great apes has been going on for a long time. At the same time, more and more human corpses appear in the city, which at first glance have little in common. There could also be a crime behind the disappearance of a suspect (Sarah Viktoria Frick). The question hanging over all of this is: What distinguishes humans from animals? Especially when greed comes into play?

What a surprise: Of all things, the usually somewhat stiff “crime scene” from Zurich is this time more casual and entertaining than ever before. Due to the density of murder cases alone – the investigators are dealing with three corpses and a dead chimpanzee – there is hardly any boredom. After Swiss crime novels in the past often seemed a bit too cerebral and overloaded with themes, this film is light entertainment of the best kind. The exaggerated and occasionally shrill villains may not please some viewers, but those who get involved in the tongue-in-cheek narrative will Have fun with this crime thriller. The “crime scene” is also visually impressive, with great pictures of investigator Ott sleeping in front of the elephant bathing pool. It’s also great how the soundtrack is reminiscent of animal noises in places and underlines the atmosphere in the film. By the way: The script by Lorenz Langenegger and Stefan Brunner has already been awarded a special prize at the German TV Crime Festival in Wiesbaden.

Almost nothing, this crime thriller is structured so beautifully atmospherically and with humor. It’s a bit of a shame that the city of Zurich hardly plays a role. Switzerland only shines through in small details, such as when French is spoken or that the “Kapo” (cantonal police) investigate the subject of “life and limb” instead of the criminal investigation department in the murder squad. Otherwise, Zurich remains in the background.

The full moon doesn’t let Isabelle Grandjean and Tessa Ott sleep a beat and then the mysterious series of murders also causes a lack of sleep: slightly overexcited, they throw themselves into the investigation. This mood runs through the entire film, providing funny moments and pacing. “Just go to sleep, that’s not a situation,” the prosecutor says to the two of them at some point. Grandjean and Ott are on the trail of the whole thing pretty quickly – also because Ott doesn’t let himself be deterred and sticks to the murder of the chimpanzee. There are also private insights: Tessa Ott helps a drug-addicted friend go through drug withdrawal, Isabelle Grandjean and her partner struggle with money problems. A coincidence almost leads Grandjean to become a criminal.

Be sure to tune in! The crime thriller is worth it just for Sarah Viktoria Frick’s dual role as murderous twin sisters. More of this please, dear Zurich team!