Shortly before Christmas, “Rebel Moon” will start on Netflix, a two-part science fiction film by former DC director Zack Snyder (57). The action-packed first trailer for the upcoming Space Opera has now been released today. The approximately three-minute clip puts viewers in the mood for a breathtaking blockbuster highlight and promises epic space battles. At the same time, the titles and start dates of both planned films will be revealed.

It has long been known that the first part of “Rebel Moon” will be available on Netflix on December 22 this year. The trailer now also reveals the additional title of the film. It reads “Child of Fire”. Part two entitled “Rebel Moon: The Scar Maker” is scheduled to follow on April 19, 2024 – just four months after the start – on Netflix. The two films were shot simultaneously. The trailer contains scenes from both works.

Filmmaker Snyder, who recently had success with the zombie film “Army of the Dead” (2021) on Netflix, originally conceived “Rebel Moon” as a “Star Wars” film years ago before deciding to make one build your own sci-fi universe. The two-part film is now about a warrior named Kora (Sofia Boutella) who once fought for an evil galactic empire. When this empire threatens a peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy, Kora gathers a band of misfits and formidable fighters to unite to face the overwhelming enemy.

The preview video already shows sprawling battle scenes, spaceships and alien beings, and presents several of director Snyder’s characteristic slow-motion shots. The filmmaker says he’s planning an entire sci-fi franchise if it’s successful. In addition to leading actress Boutella, the illustrious cast of “Rebel Moon” also includes Djimon Hounsou (“Gladiator”, 59), “Game of Thrones” star Michiel Huisman (42), Ed Skrein (“Deadpool”, 40), Charlie Hunnam (” Sons of Anarchy”, 43) and Sir Anthony Hopkins (85), who lends his voice to a robot knight.