81 percent of the delegates ‘ votes for the coalition with the SPD and the CDU. The result is important for the ongoing primary: There involvement is so far mau.

Good mood: group leader Ursula Nonnemacher at the party on Saturday photo: Reuters

it Goes to the bearded Green right at the front door, then it does not need this Congress at all: “congratulations to the Minister”, he receives Ursula Nonnemacher on Saturday in the Bernauer town hall and gives her a gift bag. The must, of course, argue that this is not decided yet.

in fact, you is the top candidate for the state election – first on a Green-group leader in Brandenburg, and also this day is just another step towards a possible Kenya-coalition with the SPD and the CDU. Whether Nonnemacher on may 20. November will be sworn in in the Potsdam state Parliament as a Minister for social Affairs, decides on a ballot until next Saturday.

After all, it is in Bernau after several hours of discussion, a mood, a recommendation of the delegates at their bahis bonusu base, in the meanwhile, nearly 2,000 members of the national Association. 79 votes for “Kenya”, 15 against, and three abstain. The are around 81 percent approval. It is almost the same ratio of forces as in the case of a small party at the end of September, with just under half as many delegates, with almost 85 per cent for the coalition debates in talks with the SPD and the CDU.

The Congress will again advertising for the ballot make. The is run on Tuesday. But the return, is to hear from the party headquarters to be held before the Meeting in Bernau, within limits. Obviously they want to wait and see really what is happening there.

15. November: SPD land party Congress in Potsdam, Germany

16. November: CDU national Congress in Schönefeld, decision on non-binding members of the survey to the coalition agreement,

16. November: at the end of the Green ballot about

18. November: counting the vote

20. November: the election of the Minister President in the state Parliament in Potsdam and swearing-in of ten Ministers, (sta)

The entire party leadership defended, as expected, the coalition agreement, almost mantra is listening to a “green signature” in it. With a long-standing Brandenburg connoisseur of the left party and the Greens, the taz, explains in the margins: In the contract had more Green in it than the left party earlier, with more than twice as good election result to the red content of the SPD have brought.

contract negotiator to nun-makers highlight in their Speeches, especially the stop new brown coal strip mining, and improvements for the centers. Betorder And emphasize the trust to have obtained the other possible coalition partners. “I would not say Yes, if I had the feeling, that since the SPD and the CDU people, which can be a government of crisis to master,” says Deputy group chief Benjamin Raschke, at the state election next to a nun, makers of the top candidate.

The critics, but does not go far enough, what you will find in the sections on climate change and asylum policy. “A green hand Scripture gives us so? For me, the contract is nothing Half and nothing Whole,“ says a speaker from the Board of the Green youth. Their chief, Gerrit Prange sees “a weak Narrative of despondency” and the party holds the leadership, to deny a consistent climate policy. Prange, however, from the micro to push without expressly on a “no”. Even the choice of words is moderate for all the criticism – at the most, a delegate assumes the result in the climate policy was fatal goes.

this approach is perhaps with each other that is different from the Congress most of the Meetings of the neighboring Berlin Green. There, the sound is rough, because the attacks are personal. In Bernau, everything seems more Pragmatic. And if you ask people in the Brandenburg countryside policy changed Green, just as the former district Chairman Till Heyer-Stuffer or Ex-house of representatives member Thomas Birk, the experience of a good interaction with each other. There is, in these party days after the election, neither the small in September, with the now in Bernau, not even the tendency to self-presentation on the micro, which is observed in Berlin occasionally.

One of these is Berlin’s Green will play an important role, if in a week’s time the ballot is completed and the: Wolfgang Wieland, a long time leader in the house of representatives and later a member of the German Bundestag is the order of the Counting, the ballot box shall open the ballots with the voting.

Also in his Person, the Brandenburg Green can check how you vote on June 1. September came, with its 10.8 per cent: Wieland was 2004, in accordance with a staged Handover to the Glienicke bridge, the top candidate of the Brandenburg Green, could double the result of the previous election, almost – but for the feed in the diet of 3.6 per cent was not enough, however.