The day of the imprisoned writer is reminiscent of the persecuted artists from around the world. To people such as Ahmet Altan, Stella Nyanzi and Xu Lin.

Stella Nyanzi in 2017 photo: Imago / ZumaPress

For example, Ahmet Altan. The Turkish Journalist and writer, is in prison, because he said before the coup in 2016, in a talk show the following sentences: “The ACP will lose their Power. And you will be brought to justice.“ Thus, the now 69-Year-old “subliminal messages have spread”, which “associative” called for the overthrow of the government, as the justification.

Once he on the 4. November from the high security prison in Silivri was released, was arrested the author on Tuesday again. The verdict: “life imprisonment”.

For example, Stella Nyanzi. Because Bahis siteleri of the Facebook Posts, the Ugandan women’s rights activist is in prison. Nyanzi fights with the campaign #Pads4GirlsUg to ensure that girls from poor families tie to be made available, so that you can go to school. Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni broke in this respect, his word, Nyanzi insulted him and his wife on Facebook (“cheeks”).

In April 2017, the 45-Year-old, first of all, you free on bail since October of 2018, she sits again. The Verdict: 18 Months.

For example, Xu Lin. The 55-Year-old from Guangzhou, sitting in jail because he was in network for democracy and human rights, and 2017 for the release of Nobel peace prize laureate Liu Xiaobo called for.

<p Betsmove xmlns=”” class=”article even”> According to the organization Chinese Human Rights Defenders, he was arrested in December 2018 due to “destructive” online activities. The verdict: three years in prison.

On Friday reminiscent of the writers ‘ organization PEN on the “day of the imprisoned writer” to people such as Ahmet Altan, Stella Nyanzi and Xu Lin, and many others, which are due to the publication of expressions of opinion in custody. According to the from PEN to published “case list in 2018” (June 2019), this applies worldwide, at least 68 writer:the inside. The PEN lists even 205 cases in which an artist:arrested in the last few years, followed, were killed. All cases, determination of procedures, current procedures are included.

The listing is an indicator of how freedom of expression in the regions of the world ordered. So 88 cases of Repression in the Asia-Pacific region alone, counted-Region, 40 in Europe/Central Asia, 36 in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 26 in North and South America and 15 in Africa.

Continuously, the case numbers increased since 2016 in the Asia-Pacific Region and in America. In Europe, Africa and the Middle East and North Africa, the Figures are lower than in 2016.

Salil Tripathi, chair of the PEN Writers in Prison Committee, stressed in the motto to the current case list: “Numbers never tell the whole story. We, as writers, Poets, journalists and publicists, the knowledge, of course.“

For him, it does not, that the number of cases decreased from 2017 to 2018, a total of 218 to 205. Because in each of the stories is a different tendency: evidenced, for example, that women are threatened in many countries, if you are advocating for the right to abortion, if you are writing about abuse, rape and violence against women.

The “Writers in Prison”Committee of the PEN called the day of remembrance in 1980. Founded the Committee in 1960, had, as the repression of journalist:increases in many regions of the world. The PEN centre London invites on Friday for an interview with the in September released by the Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentzow, on Thursday, an event with the Chinese writer Liao Yiwu will take place in Geneva.