With his opposition to the bike soft at the Schilling bridge, a Radaktivist tormenting her, the Senate traffic management. The promises of improvement.

Brave Soft-cyclists, here on William street in the Kreuzberg district photo: Claudius Prößer

Jens flower has done it again. The environmental engineer that is committed to turning the club’s Changing Cities for the Traffic, has lodged an appeal at the weekend at the Senate transport administration a written objection against what radaktivist refer to the inside for some time as the “Anxiety switch”. Depending on how the house of Regine Günther (Green) respond to Blume’s five-page document, reserves this a lawsuit at the administrative court.

Concretely, it is the street marker at the corner of the bridge schillingbrücke/Stralauer Platz, close to the East railway station. Cyclists who have crossed the bridge from Kreuzberg, you need to decide Recently whether to keep the Turn on the right side of the road, or to Straight select the “cycle lanes in Central location” as it is called officially.

For clubs such as Changing Cities are these “Soft” for a red cloth, because the straight-ahead Driving are suddenly between moving motor vehicles. In the worst case, rolls to the left and right saddle trains, at the same time always the risk that motorists will want to opt-out but still to the right or to the strip just out of negligence run over.

For flower, is a No-Go: “A safe Driving on the bike soft, especially with my children, I by bike is not possible,” he writes in the first paragraph of its opposition. The following is a list of not less than ten points in June 2018 adopted mobility act, the “Fear switch”, in his view, is a violation. First of all, the “Vision Zero”-guideline (§ 10), which is the policy of the order to reduce traffic accidents with severe personal injuries in perspective to zero.

Cycling would be to the right and to the left “with some high speeds and with very low Side clearance” is outdated, argues the flower. The required 1.5-Meter distance, which is a long time in the case law and now also the entrance to the road traffic act has found, could not bahis siteleri be observed “due to the respective track widths”. Of Cycling sometimes fatal ending right-turn conflict at the street corner will only upstream. Real protection would provide only separate traffic light phases.

For the Pedestrians nothing would Dumanbet change in the Other – in the worst case, be at risk even more, because drivers have left the conflict zone, allegedly already. To the of flower in the field led points, the missed goal of an increased efficiency of the environmental network (§ 5), so all road users except for car driving. He has, in fact, observed that the bike soft and high Car traffic is taut.

“I’m the first Person ever that goes the legal way,” says flower of the taz. That he could have success, the few-week-old case of the oberbaum bridge, where the activist did also protest against the, in his view, to narrow and unprotected bike lane. “Mrs Günther has now announced structural protection for this bike path,” said flower, “it would seem, therefore, that I must not complain.” This could work also at the Schilling bridge? “There is mobility in a legally compliant solutions. If such an application finds, I’m happy.“

What is considered today as a “scared soft”, took place ten years ago and has proved popular with the Radlobby. Their representatives, says Jens flower, made a long “policy for all of the trust already on the wheel”. In addition to these young and physically robust, mostly male road riders, “want to quickly get from A to B”, but it is still a lot more people “from 8 to 108”, and their right to safe Cycling stand, at the latest, since the bike people decision in the heart and their safety must also be due to the constructional measures to be protected.

Shortly before the editorial deadline, the taz was the opinion of the traffic management: “Bicycle soft can, under certain conditions, for more security, but they are often perceived as a subjectively unattractive transport solution and criticized,” says günther’s spokesman, Jan Thomsen. “Therefore, we will examine all new, high-traffic bike soft again during an on-site inspection and, where appropriate, by further security elements, such as Leitboys or coloured Underlays to optimize.”

Thomsen added that the Senate administration to strut “in addition, an understanding about safe intersection designs as a whole,” in a “process of discussion with the trade associations,” will work on “alternative approaches for nodes in different traffic situations a secure infrastructure”.

the science Bicycle soft considered way critical, if not quite as negative as the Activists: The TU Berlin led by 2015-2017, a study on 48 intersections, which had a cycle lane in Central location. In the result, the researchers had not shown “that this form of Leadership is effective in the focal point area of a generally positive impact on safety”. The accidents in the upstream area resulted in “significantly more often in serious injury”, as such, directly at the intersection. But: Would bike soft have “with-the-rule-width, and sufficiently long highlighted the Potential for a positive effect on Cycling safety”.