embarrassment for VS and the police: Because of source protection and incorrect name spelling will not be utilized insights about attack plans.

fighters against the Right: Ferat Kocak photo: Christian Mang

<p class="article first bahis sitesi odd” xmlns=””>BERLIN taz | 63 offences to the police had worked out so far, since may, 2016 ongoing alleged extreme right-wing series of attacks in Neukölln, including 14 arsons. After a re-examination of the Tatkomplexes by the in may used police investigators group, the focus of the series now expects at least two more deeds. What kind of deeds are not revealed to Oliver Stepien, Deputy Director of the Berlin state office of criminal investigation (LKA), on Monday the interior Committee.

Still, it was an insightful session, in addition to Stepien inside Senator Andreas hostage (SPD), the protection of the Constitution protection President Michael Fischer and state attorney Jörg Raupach information about the progress of the investigation and declare that they tried why identifying achievements up to the present day remained are. All of them, the regret anticipated, that no offender could be convicted. “That bothers me deeply,” said hostage.

In the foreground of the open questions of the attack on the Left-is-local politicians Ferat Koçak on 1. February 2018, whose car was torched in the process. With luck, the fire had not spread from the Carport to the adjacent house.

For some time, it is known that the Constitution had protection two weeks before the fact, by means of a telephone monitoring of the tracking of a red Smart the two main suspects Nazis, T. and P. knowledge and his information was also sent to the LKA. But why, the Suspect, the pursued, obviously, specific attack objectives were taken, with a threat talk to the visor?

As LKA-man Stepien explained, was the Hilbet Transmission of the information from the VS to the police with the requirement to not use this, so for a threat response. The constitutional protection (VS) wanted to protect his source, so his information gathering by means of telephone surveillance of the main suspect.

From the “principle of source protection, protection of victims,” said Niklas Schrader, interior policy spokesman of the Left; this reminded him of the investigations in the NSU-complex. Benedikt Lux, interior policy spokesman of the Greens, said it was the offence of “not displaying scheduled offences would be” in the room. The practice has now been changed, said Stepien, according to the needs of the classification should be “back”, “when life and limb are at risk.”

but Why was not at least warned Koçak in time? The old Version was: The police have him identified as the holder of the car after the stop. Now Stepien gave to Protocol, that you already at 30. January three possible holder of the vehicle type to locate Koçak had made, including. You got him, identified the Left-politicians with a migration biography, but not as a potential victim, neither he is noticed by the Anti-law activities, with commitment to refugees. Schrader says the opposite “if you can by Googling to find out”.

However, the error chain goes even further: the VS noted already in February 2017, a suspect of Koçaks house, in September Koçaks Name came up in a telephone conversation of the Suspect. Both information is not brought together the authority, with the Smart-holder Koçak – due to the “phonetically incorrect spelling” in your System, such as Stepien said.

“After the meeting, the independent education has become more urgent,” said Schrader subsequently, in an interview with the taz. The Left calls, as well as Affected and last week a Petition submitted to a Committee of inquiry. The SPD and the greens did not want to join the but. At the end of the year, the investigation group focus intends to submit a report, then one could talk about a special investigator, so Lux.

Senator hostage had asked in September, the attorney General of the Takeover of the investigation. This, however, had seen no reason to.