Instead of 200 million may cost the Museum of Modern art in Berlin before the start of construction is now 450 million euros. Monika Grütters’ Grand Project.

a model of the winning design by Herzog & de Meuron for the Museum of the 20th century. Century photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa

As expected, the budget Committee of the Bundestag has approved more funds for the Museum of Modern art in Berlin. Instead of 200 million EUR 364,2 million in Federal funds are now available. From the Ministry of Finance in prospect 86 million for construction costs increase and risk protection were not put to the vote.

Prior to commencement of construction of the planned Museum costs already 450 million. And was started with the Build once, may All the love to even more costs for the state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters/-Mitterand, which recognizes in the M20 with the Grand Project guarantees.

Would Monika Grütters, 2014, with her Finance Minister Schäuble abgeluchsten 200 million euros-a gift not interfered, it would be well conceivable that the 130 million Euro rated the exhibition house would have been built at the Sigismund road between the New National art gallery, the National museums in 2013 were assumed.

But now with Grütters on Board, everything was too small and too subtle. Because that was the solution in the Sigismund road: elegant. An ideal Situation to prove to architectural sophistication. Even if they, too, would become more expensive. But simplicity and elegance in the derivation of the quality criterion, that is, even for math equations, of course, does not apply to social policy and urban design of the relevant large-scale projects. Here policy applies.

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And likes to play clumsy on the ramp. As it is now, Monika Grütters at the Potsdamer Straße. Because hey, as you can see Kingbetting the thing then! And the Minister of state ignored at any time, the non-manageable structural problems associated with this location. Not to talk of the town-planning and architectural implication even, for the winning design for the Swiss star architects Herzog & de Meurons, in the meantime, the “barn” is called, is not a solution.

How much Monika Grütters shows the planned Museum as its considered as a home in which you has to Say, in their advance to reserve a couple of rooms for the star Painter Gerhard Richter. Usually, the authority to say how and where the collections and furnishings are hung, alone, to the Director or the Director of a Museum. In addition to its attack nature, especially its heavy-handedness characterized the grütter’s foray.

Gerhard Richter, you get to see nowhere, except in just any Museum with contemporary art. So, must be placarded in Berlin the Same course again on a large scale. It is interesting to note that at the same time no one knows what it is now from the collection of Friedrich Christian Flick, in the rieck halls, where the lease is due to expire in the near future.

to forget this, as you must admit, really interesting and high – quality to get because with care and mind-designed collection to Berlin, spared you once, we remember, before any of the most three most geschichtsk of back, suffered to you now smooth.

as paradoxical As it appears, but the Berlin museums lack the money. Neither can you pay your staff decently, even on the operating strength increase, still have a serious buying and Ausstellungsetat, nor are they able to maintain their homes structurally as the Federal court has just found.

obviously, the budget of the state Minister of Culture is “without concept,” as Erhard’s Basic, spokesperson for cultural policy of the Bundestag, announced the Green group on the occasion of the meeting of the budget Committee, “a Black-Box, lacking in transparency and traceability”. Just as it is wanted.