The human being is an imperfect copy, and makes mistakes all the time. In sports this can be used as a learning aid. That is a good thing!

In the game sports professionals practice on a daily basis the Success of and work on the perfection of something. Photo: Richard W. Rodriguez

In school we learn to know him, to him never again lozuwerden: the error. Marked in red, he bläut us there, to what it now is in life: to be right or wrong. What we don’t learn in school: all grades will be done a lot wrong, mass-Faulty run, and permanent misconduct, and of the incredible number of standards, rules, and Standards to be complied with. The man is a deficient being now remains, and the error is expression. Is success and remains the exception.

Some of the errors in the System or in the construction. Other errors are innate, such as mistakes of the heart or the eye. Me the error man commits of interest: the serious, gross and funny; the error made, a run and committed. Human errors result from decisions that lead to actions.

I Go home now? Or not? Go around it to the left? Or to the right? Existentialism just. Not since Columbus and error devil we know: mistakes and errors that characterize the human way. But not always, these lead us to America. Even a small mistake can cost lives.

Even in sports, the error is governed. “Error!”, as loud as decided by the referee does not call the Ball in Tennis, hitting the surcharge the surcharge field. Clearly the rule Vdcasino here is: in. Or: out. The double fault doubles the Faulty of this act to the contrary had been an error in the sense, the direct point from the mark-up: zack, the ACE!

Even with the miracle launcher of basketball, Stephen Curry, is the missing throw (almost) normal. There are sports such as tower jumping, figure skating, or gymnastics, where a Jury is responsible for monitoring whether the technical and aesthetic Norm is achieved, i.e., the body mistakes lead free is the desired movement.

In the game sports professionals practice on a daily basis the Success of and work on the perfection of something. However, exactly wants to prevent the other team in the game. The core appeal of every game is in this Dialog between attack and defence. Depending on the strength of the opponent, sports and style of play (Tiki-Taka) is about (rare) Success versus regular Failure. How would a perfect game? In Basketball, the no would be an all-star game, the NBA, or a “game” of the “Harlem Globetrotters” – these games are held without any real defense and are, accordingly, to look at a permanent standstill.

A story to me favorite errors not let me go: A basketball team completed under their new coach, one of his first games. The coach is a legend in European Basketball. I see an away game the team on television. The Team of the Coach starts abysmal in the game, almost everything goes wrong. The coach needs to take a break, I don’t think he is doing it but. He prefers to let the players continue to make mistakes.

The next day I speak with someone who is on the Team and the coach are very close. I don’t ask him why the coach had intervened? In order to promote the autonomy of the players. Thus, he was risking to lose the game? Yes, he replied dry. But for the process of learning is very important.