was A tenant of the left neukölln Hotspot Friedel 54 reprimanded because of a placard on the balcony. The court calls for a compromise.

The controversial Transparent here to a different house in Berlin photo: dpa

freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.“ Rosa Luxemburg’s famous words shy in the stately Berlin regional court ruled yesterday to the old ghosts. They fell during yesterday’s negotiation of a conflict with deep implications go to: on the one hand, the property of interest, on the other hand, the freedom of expression.

The Apple of discord: a Banner that was attached to the tenant Klaus Strohwig* since 2015 on his balcony directly above the left alternative Neuköllner Kiezladen Friedel54. The inscription: “Friedel54/M99/Riga/Köpi/Potse/Koze, We all stay! Social and resistant places create and receive.“

Hardly left the meeting place was vacated in June 2017, warned the owner, the Luxembourg real estate company Pinehill, their tenants: The Hanging of the facade was an interference with his right to property, because the Banner would limit the value of the property.

tenant Strohwig, in turn, complained against the warning, because he feared dismissal. He argued with the fundamental right to freedom of expression. Yorkbet Both administrative and district court gave him in the first litigation. However, the Federal court upheld, however, the Revision of the real estate company.

“The Constitution does not protect any Form of expression,” said the judge in the more than hour-long hearing of the appeal. “Now it’s going to be a consideration, not censorship.” The banners certainly bring with them the widespread fear of displacement to the point.

the Concerns of The owner with respect to a difficult hire, but were not unreasonable. However: “The court missed to check the disclosure of the purchase price to the alleged impairment to,” said the judge. Would add according to the tenant’s attorney Theune recent, expensive new leases: “So bad it can’t run,” he said.

in The end, the court suggested that an out-of-court agreement. Goal should be for all Involved, acceptable Banner. “An approach could also prevent dam blurring and the Like in the longer term,” the judicial hope. to let

“the opinion of the landlord to allow a bit of censorship,” says Strohwig, who lives in the apartment with his three children. “We have already joked about a competition for the best Banner awards.”

“judge, we agree in one”, a Friedel-supporters smugly. “We also see a certain causal connection between intolerance against our Banner and any Graffiti actions.” Until the day before yesterday, was read on the Friedel-facade by the way, writing in huge, red letters: “Expropriate, Acquire, manage Yourself”.

*Name has been changed