…, then play it still today: In the monbijou Park two fairy tale theatre quarrel with the district center and with each other. Now the winter season begins.

Even in a fairy tale is a hot… photo: Reuters

Some stories are too crazy to be true – all the worse when it then. About in the middle. Here feuding theatre fight-maker already during the lifetime of their heritage. Who is the Good and who the Evil is not so easy to recognize.

In the center of the Monbijou theatre and the Mogul Christian Schulz, are. It comes to money, property, and opaque organization. Actually, you should vote on Thursday evening, the borough Assembly (BVV) about whether or not Schulz is allowed to play with his operation in the monbijou Park. But the vote was postponed. And thus the season for the theatre can begin to be this weekend.

Since twelve years, Schulz and the Ensemble in the center of Berlin playing opposite the Bode Museum theatre hands-on for children from the age of four, families, and adults. In the summer months in the flying buildings, an amphitheater, construction of Shakespeare’s dramas were performed.

A low threshold, more arts and crafts and popular activities in the surrounding area a world heritage site. A lot of fairy tale performances at the beginning of the season are fully booked, with around 100 audience already, the Tickets cost from 5 to 14 Euro. In the corresponding bar on the beach, busloads of Tourist*frolic on the inside; they funded the culture.

“The ideas of Christian Schulz’re just good,” explains Anne-Sophie Schäfer, who is responsible for public Relations and theatre-maker, the economic success of this combination of theatre and culinary major operating areas of the district and the Humboldt-University (HU). According to Schaefer 40 employees*hang on the inside of the the winter season. Many weeks long was unclear, however, whether she would even start.

Because the fairy-tale success story that generated conflicts. The former friend and comrade-in-arms of Schulz and David Regehr, had solved the economic complex and to the artistic Director Maurici Farré, as well as the actor Matthias Horn, in the Form of “fairy-tale barn,” the beginning of the year a game site. Regehr criticised the lack of transparency in financial flows in the Monbijou-conglomerate, and even more money, as several former Monbijou employees*report of the taz.

Regehr also called for the transformation of the fairy tale operating in a non-profit gGmbH, which he put in the HU and the district policy also. The BVV summed up on 20. In December 2018 a decision, according to which the operation has to be changed or to soft has. Until then, the Monbijou theatre had an annually renewed toleration.

Regehr founded with Horn and Farré, a non-profit gGmbH, applied to the HU, got the contract and opened the new “theatre in the Monbijou-Park gGmbH”. Instead of an Amphitheater, the band played on an open stage. Regehr also wanted to lead you to the fairy division: The “fairy-tale barn” will compete this Winter Deneme Bonusu with a very similar program on the same site with the two fairy tale cottages. A whimsical image.

Regardless of the dispute, the Theater started ticket sales – and> runs fine

<p xmlns="" class="article odd" But it is even more crazy. Regehr returned after the first theatre in the summer, the new gGmbH as a shareholder in the Schulz complex. The summer projection was run in the new constellation seems to be less successful. In the new gGmbH remaining Farré and Horn are, however, on the resolution of the BVV and your sole right of use of the site. Your commercial Manager Frank Weber, the taz explains: "It does not seem to imagine that now, at the very least, the legal process is legitimized!"

The fairy tale cottages of Christian Schulz did not have to be opened according to the Weber at all. The BVV-majority vote by December 2018, is binding. But the old fairy tale cottages just continue. The Anne-Sophie Schäfer from the opposite side confirms: “Over 10,000 tickets have been sold.”

The taz has spoken with several former employees*from the Monbijou theatre, the do not want to be named. They unanimously report that the ongoing disputes were Mainly about the money. To have the beginning of the year 2019 Schulz and Regehr in front of Clärchens Ballhaus, the dance hall in a commercial complex, public one another the greatest now, some yelled at. The new reconciliation was bought.

Several Former reported the taz, that in the catering regular employee*would take flight, and also in the Administration, few lasted longer than a year and a half, the stress was high. Schulz assessments of the Former as a fairly straight-forward and loyal, but as a little sympathetic.

But it seems that even in this black fairy tale, an old folk wisdom applies: “There is a lot of interpersonal problems, and most of them can be solved with money.” In this respect, it is time to ask the liberals. Bastian Roet of the FDP-faction in the BVV Mitte visited the game sites and in the matter incorporated. He sees the danger that the district should be held to the last year’s decision to have a living place could be poorer. On taz-demand, he concludes: “It seems to me easier to overcome now, the human barriers, as such a fascinating environment to rebuild.” He says that there is a coexistence of the two parties to the dispute should be possible.

The new resolution of the BVV Roet, who is also the Chairman of the Committee for the environment, transport and green expresses that the intentions of the district had been implemented. An “increased transparency in the money flow” is now given.

The operation in the winter season, is not expected to now take place in a legal gray zone – when the district intervened yet. Well, that, but, ultimately, the courts will bring the decisive turn in this tale.

The fairy tale cottages to play since Friday, among other things, “The poor and the Rich”, by the brothers Grimm. The neighboring new fairy-tale barn, opened a week later, and brings, among others, the fairy tale “little red riding hood” and “The fir Tree”.