because of a sickness from Britta Nielsen will be Friday’s court hearing in the Copenhagen city Court canceled.

Britta Nielsen has once again been ill and therefore can not attend Friday’s court hearing in the case against her.

this was stated by The president Vivi Sønderskov Møller in Copenhagen city Court.

It is unknown, what Britta Nielsen fails. On the work you completed has nothing to do with her indisposition in the first week, is also not known.

At today’s hearing, the plan was that several of Britta Nielsen’s former colleagues would testify. Instead they wanted the prosecution to present further evidence.

It will be her defender, attorney, Nima Nabipour, however, not to go to. He points out that he must first have the consent of his client that the case can run, even if she is not present.

And after a short pause, in which he had called her, he shall give the court, to Britta Nielsen can not give consent to, that there may be a court hearing without her Friday. Thus today’s hearing cancelled.

When you İllegal Bahis are charged, you have to be present in court.

the Court was contacted about the work you completed at 08.31 on Friday morning.

This is the squeezed schedule progressed yet again. Really, there should have been judgment at the end of november, but the race is run for the longest time.

in Fact, it is unknown when the case is completed.

the President would very much like to be scheduled another day in court, but Nima Nabipour says that he has a very tight calendar and, therefore, will have a very hard time to squeeze an extra day into this side of the new year.

– It is very regrettable, says the president Vivi Sønderskov Møller.

On the first retsdag got Britta Nielsen you feel unwell, seek after the lunch break and was picked up by an ambulance. The hearing the day after she was not present. But then continued the case anyway without her.

Britta Nielsen is accused of having defrauded of approximately 117 million dollars from the public purse, while she worked in the national board of social services.

She has admitted that she transferred the money to himself.
