Stop now to give topbonus to politibosser.

Especially when it’s come to light that there has been a clear error on their responsibilities.

So clear is the message now from both political wings.

the Reason is that it’s come to a head with the police have almost achieved the highest possible bonus, although he has acknowledged the gaffe on its territory.

“I can well understand, if you are a citizen and can’t get it to rhyme, when paid bonuses despite failures,” says the SF spokesman Karina Lorentzen Dehnhardt, which thus supports the Danish people’s party spokesman Peter Skaarup.

specifically got Rigspolitiets IT-director Lars Ole Dybdal 170.000 kr. in the bonus for the year 2018. An extra amount in addition to his regular salary.

He got close to twice as much as the list’s number two, rigspolitichef Jens Henrik Højbjerg, who got 90.000 kr. paid.

As B. T. Thursday, wrote, the IT Gobahis director got the high bonus, even if he is 22. may of 2018, i.e. the year with the earned bonus, and regretted an error in its department.

When discovered, the police a large amount of police e-mail about the so-called Tibet-case, otherwise there several years ago should have been sent to Tibet-the commission, which was set to examine this issue:

Why did the cops during a series of chinese leaders ‘ state visits to Copenhagen, to remove the flags from the otherwise fairly peaceful Tibet protesters?

The newly discovered e-mail was forwarded to the ministry of Justice in June 2018, and thus the cause for Tibet-the commission has reopened the case, which is still not finished.

“the Case exhibits the weakness of performance management and bonus, for you can easily meet the objectives set and reap the bonus, and it does not need to have the context of how well you perform,” said Karina Lorentzen Dehnhardt.

SF’eren welcomes the fact that the justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S) have set a study underway about the possibilities to remove the bosses’ bonus scheme.

“Why should target be abolished, and I am happy for the minister’s preliminary report is that we must resultatkontrakterne,” she says