on the Night of Saturday was a man in the 20’s stabbed with a knife in the small south zealand town Hemmeshøj, which is situated between Slagelse and Korsør.

Police are still hunting for the offender.

the Stabbing, which took place at an address in Hemmeshøj, was notified the night of Saturday at 03.13.

the Victim remains in the hospital, but it is outside of death.

Süperbetin Sydsjællands and Lolland-Falster Police are investigating the matter, but have not yet found the perpetrator.

Opposite the TV 2 Øst tells the officer at the Sydsjællands and Lolland-Falster Police, Ole Hald, that investigators do not yet have anything to go after in the case.

“we have not. It is something we are working on. More I can not say at the moment, he says.
