The past weeks have been some of the worst, most critical in Donald Trumps now almost four years as president of the UNITED states.

In a series of veritable møgsager have the issue of a trade-off with the Ukrainian president proved to be potentially damning for the Trump. Studehandelen we return to that, but Friday morning in a nearly one hour long interview gave the president a tonnage of quite attention-grabbing announcements.

Donald Trump was interviewed by telephone in the television program ‘Fox and Friends’ on Fox News channel, as he likes to visit from time to time.

Here he shot as usual, with sharply defined against the Democrats, ‘fake news’-the press and opponents within The Republican Party.

One of the critics, as Trump took tender loving care, was none other than the man, who is married with his special adviser Kellyanne Conway.

“Kellyanne is great. She is married with a total simpleton. She must have made a track with him. I don’t know what she has done to the guy,” said Donald Trump in the phone Friday.

Kellyanne Conway has since 2016 has been one of the Trumps braveste support, but it is not a position shared by her husband, George Conway, whose Twitter profile is almost Modabet married to criticize the president.

the Focal point of the interview was an alleged attempt at a deal with the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskij. The case is about, that Donald Trump should have held militærbistand to Ukraine in exchange for ‘dirt’ on his political rivals.

Trumps theory is that Ukraine is a cash machine with a ‘server’ that contains inkriminerende evidence that Ukraine should have helped the democrats in the election campaign in 2016.

In a telephone conversation 25. July with the Ukrainian president did Trump it clear that he would have the answers to whether there was “corruption”. A large study is now underway to shed light on whether Donald Trump has abused his office as president by withholding important assistance to the country in exchange for evidence of even frivolous claims.

the Question for critics has long been whether one could draw a direct line between the withholding of military assistance and the information on his enemies. In the ‘Fox and Friends’ came Donald Trump, however, on the track and for the first time gave an indication that it was actually what was happening.

“I asked about it very openly, because we were looking for corruption. There is a huge corruption. Why should we give hundreds of millions of dollars to countries where there is the kind of corruption?” he said in the interview.