Michael Bloomberg will, according to associate professor to challenge the less-moneyed candidates in the middle at the primaries in the UNITED states.

It was not a whim or a gut feeling, that Sunday, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg to throw his name in the hat as a democratic candidate in the upcoming primaries in the UNITED states.

It assesses the Niels Bjerre-Poulsen, associate professor at the Center for American Studies at the University of Southern denmark.

Bloomberg is a very datadreven guy. He must have seen something in his figures. He has made lots of polls, and he has seen something else than in the spring, where he came to the conclusion that there was not room for him in the field, he says.

Even if, according to Niels Bjerre-Poulsen is too early to assess the Bloombergs chances in the now large and diverse field of democratic candidates, so it’s not hard to see who the Pashacasino hovedrige eksborgmester will challenge at the primaries.

– It will not be Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders’ constituents, he is going to appeal to. It will be the field with Joe Biden (former vice president, red.) and Pete Buttigieg at the center, says Niels Bjerre-Poulsen.

He estimates that Bloomberg has one clear advantage over its competitors:

– Bloomberg must have seen at Joe biden’s not so impressive ability to raise money for his election campaign. Bloomberg is not just rich, he’s good for 50 billion dollars and can just take down in the pocket.

to date, 18 democrats joined in the battle to become the Donald Trumps careful attention to every detail in the presidential election in 2020. Accounting is not a priori clear favorite.

And it changes the Michael Bloombergs of candidacy are not immediate, assesses the Niels Bjerre-Poulsen.

– Who can beat Donald Trump, has been the main issue. Measurements have shown, however, that the voters do not seem to have been a candidate. They seem, on the contrary, there are too many candidates, he says.

And there is nothing in the opinion polls I have seen, indicating that there is suddenly a sigh of relief through the Democrats, and they finally get the candidate they have been looking for.
