Hundreds of thousands of muslims being subjected to brainwashing and torture in chinese prison camps, shows documents.

Leaked documents confirm for the first time, how the chinese regime systematically hjernevasker hundreds of thousands of muslims in the so-called re-education camps.

The writing several british media, which is part of The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).

Chinese authorities have so far maintained that there are being offered voluntary training and training in the camps.

the Camps was, according to the guide counteract religious extremism and terrorist activity.

Official documents, which, among others, the BBC and The Guardian have seen, however, reveal how the muslims are being indoctrinated and tortured.

It is estimated that up to one million uighurmuslimer is being detained in the camps. Camps have been established in the western Xinjiang province over the past three years.

the Documents were leaked to the ICIJ, which consists of 17 media.

The leaked documents include, among other things, an instruction sent from the communist party to leaders of the camps.

Deneme Bonusu Here it appears, among other things, that the camps should serve as prisons. It includes strict discipline and punishment.

According to the instruction to the inmates first released, when they can prove that they have changed their behaviour and beliefs.

– It is hard to see this as anything other than a massehjernevask, developed for an ethnic group.

It says Ben Emmerson, who menneskeretsadvokat and advisor to the uighurmuslimerne, according to the BBC.

– It is a total transformation, which are developed to completely wipe out the muslim uighurs in Xinjiang as a cultural group from the Earth’s surface, he adds.

China’s ambassador in Britain, the Lia Xiaoming, believes that the camps are to protect the muslim population.

He notes that there has not been a single terrorist attack in Xinjiang province in the past three years.

– There are now social stability and collection among ethnic groups. People are now living a happy life with a much stronger sense of meaning and security, he says, according to BBC.
