He is possibly all it is, Roger Federer is not.

The swiss record producer is regarded as a true gentleman with the track of life both on and off the pitch, while his former doublemakker Yves Allegro, apparently, is in the opposite ditch.

Thus, the 41-year-old compatriot of Federer, as he won several tournaments with, under serious allegations of rape and is accused in a case for court 9. december.

It is the medium Blick, who writes about the case, where Yves Allegro, are suspected to have raped the woman for a trænerkonference in Estonia in 2014.

After a wet night woke the woman, who does not want his name forward in public, completely dazed and bruised up by the side of Yves Betticket Allegro.

“She has bruises and abrasions everywhere. Later, they write together on WhatsApp. He writes, among other things, ‘sorry for last night’ and ‘it was not good and not so gentlemanagtigt’. When she four days later, ask on Whatsapp, what he believes, he writes, that he has a girlfriend and therefore should not have other women in the room,” writes Blick.

Later he writes:

“Did I do something bad?”

she gets told to his friends that he has. According to the woman Allegro beaten her and thrown her on the bed, but she can’t say whether he has forced to sex or not.

The medical report shows she had ‘several wounds on the body’, but in the woman’s genitals was in the meantime not detected damage or seminal fluid. It was found to turn on her underwear.

Now the court must then determine whether Yves Allegro, who in day work with the young tennis players of the swiss tennis federation has done anything illegal.

Schweizerens lawyer Pierre Damien Eggly denies all the charges.