Michael Diamond got the message of the doctors a month ago.

“I thought: ‘I am too young for’,” says the double OLYMPIC gold medalist.

The 47-year-old australiers body it is not good. And now there is a big risk that he must undergo a heart transplant.

“It is my life’s biggest battle. I would like to linger a little yet, I would like to see my kids get older and get married, I want grandchildren,” says Michael Diamond in an interview with the magazine New Idea.

He has as a shooter won OLYMPIC gold twice, in 1996 and 2000, and now must past glories be to help the children in the future. If now…

So he put his OLYMPIC gold medal from the 1996 to the sale to ensure his children financially. The auction 5. december.

“I have bills to pay, and I still need to also survive. I also have children to worry about and take care of, and that’s just it, I do,” says Michael Diamond.


He has three children (16-year-old Isabella, 13-year-old Angelica and eight-year-old Rihanna) together with his former wife, Cathy Diamond. However, they are separated today.

MIchael Diamond has had a dream to participate at the OLYMPIC games in Tokyo next year, but the dream burst, when hjerteproblemerne appeared and sent him to the hospital.

He believes, though, that some years with big challenges in their personal lives is the fault of the ailing health:

In 2016, he was involved in both a case of domestic violence and on drunken driving.Ago followed as a case where he violated vĂ„benloven – which actually cost the participation at the OLYMPIC games in Rio the same year, when he lost his gun license because of it.

“I was constantly nervous and stressed. I think that all it started a snowball effect on how I have it today,” says Michael Diamond, who has since overturned its verdict in the arms case.

two years ago sold the australian, moreover his gold medal from 2000 for the same reason. It earned him approximately 330.000 euros.