Report from the WMO in Geneva, says that mankind’s future welfare is at stake because of greenhouse gases.

the Level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached in 2018, new record, shows UN report.

the Report from the World Meteorological Organization, WMO, in Geneva, says that mankind’s future welfare is at stake.

the WMO states that the ongoing development will have many serious consequences for future generations, who increasingly will be confronted with the consequences of climate change: rising temperatures, more extreme weather, rising seas and the disruption of ecosystems at sea and on land.

Concentrations of CO2, which causes global warming, reached in 2018 a rekordhøjde on 407.8 parts per million. It is the highest concentration in several million years, says the WMO.

– There are no signs that development is slowing down – let alone to the level to Liderbahis be lowered, when it comes to the concentration of greenhouse gases, despite all the promises and obligations contained in the treaty of paris, says Petteri Taalas, as head of WMO.

the Concentration in 2017, 405.5 parts per million. The global gennemsnitskoncentrationer of CO2 reached 403,3 parts per million in 2016, where it was 400,00 ppm the year before.

the Rise in 2018 to 407.8 parts per million is an increase of slightly above the annual average over the past decade.

the Concentrations of the other two main ghgs, methane and nitrous oxide was also increased to record levels in 2018, the report shows.

the united nations has many times warned about the need for drastic action, if the targets set in the Paris climate agreement to be reached.

in Order to ensure that the temperature rise does not exceed 1.5 degrees celsius, so it is necessary that the discharge of CO2 is not rising, warns the united nations.

It will say that the amount being pumped into the atmosphere must not be greater than that to be removed, – either by natural absorption or through technological progress.
