It can be tempting to let the lure of good deals, but it comes to take care and not fall into the traps.

this is the sound of the warning from the South Jutland Police in advance of the upcoming Black Friday on Friday and Cyber Monday on Monday.

Last year was a 60-year-old woman from southern Jutland deceived when she purchased kitchen equipment for more than 1,000 dollars in an online shop.

She transferred the money to a bank account, but the goods as she never something to.

Though she tried to contact the store, there was nothing, and shortly after was the website closed.

‘unfortunately, We have more and more of this type of cases, where citizens are being scammed by criminals because they are good to make fuphjemmesider. The best advice we can give to the citizens is that they must be skeptical when shopping on the web,’ tells the vicepolitiinspektør Chr. Poster from the South and the south Jutland Police Forebyggelsesenhed in a press release and adds:

‘it’s only gone wrong, it can be difficult to get the lost money back again. But with some simple rules of thumb are to reverse are well provided for.’

The rules of thumb you can see below:

1. Make sure your computer is up to date with the latest software, and that there is antivirus, firewall, m.m. installed.

2. Make sure that there is a password on your wi-fi connection.

3. Compare whether the connection is secure, before you pay – it will say that your account must use SecureCode/Verifired by Visa, and that the website must Gobahis have a HTTPS connection.

4. Never ever give out your social security number, bank account numbers and other personal information in e-mail, pr. phone m.m.

5. Check whether the internet shop is e-marked. The mark indicates that it is in order to shop there.

6. Pay with credit card or MobilePay when you buy on the net. Never use bank transfer.

7. Check your bank statements. Even transfers of small amounts, you don’t recognize can be signs that your account information has been hacked.

8. The website looks reliable? Is the web address strange? Are there spelling mistakes? Are the goods suspiciously cheap? There is the odd prices? Don’t fall for it the first and best offer you see in an unsolicited e-mail or in an ad on the web.

9. What information is there on the company website? There is for example a VAT number? (You can check the number of the entry in the companies register, There is the statutory information about the right of withdrawal and the company’s contact information?

10. Read the good advice on and online shopping #heltsikkert, as a number of authorities are behind. Here you get the big picture of how you are acting safely in connection with the purchase on the web.

11. On Nævnenes can you see if the company has not complied with a decision of The consumer complaints board.