When Donald Trump sets out to correct in the Air Force 1 and fly from Washington D. C. to Florida to celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, so it will be with the warm wind in the back.

Despite the two weeks filled with revealing testimony in connection with the upcoming impeachment against the president, has Trump not just maintained its popularity. In the polls have the Usa 45. the president even made a tiny jump in the positive direction.

Among republican voters has Trump still nearly 90 percent support. And among the so-called ‘independent voters’ support behind Trump, according to a new CNN survey jumped from 42 to 47 percent.

“Maybe the democrats Donald Trump a favor by pulling him in court. They do themselves for history’s villains and Trump to the hero, who fights against the supremacy”, writes the journalist Brad Stephens in the New York Times newspaper.

Trumps political opponents from the democratic party are trying to get the president set aside for abuse of power. And, they maintain, continue to Trump cooperated with the russians in connection with the elections in 2016.

In the u.s. population, however, there is not that big a mood for an impeachment.

Not only costs a fortune. As long as it is legal torvtrækkeri continues, there’s not much on the other political fronts such as health care and infrastructure.

And even though several witnesses last week maintained that Trump broke the law when he detained the american militærhjælp to force the Ukrainian president to make him a political rjeneste, so has Trump apparently did not lost one single vote, on the contrary.

Thursday is one of America’s most important Neyine holidays, Thanksgiving. And like many other americans, celebrate Donald Trump the day together with the family.

At the family’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago in south Florida, will Donald and Melania Trump thus meet with the children Ivanka, Tiffany, Eric, Donald Jr. and the youngest Barron, as well as lovers, spouses and grandchildren.

And there will be lots to talk about.

Thus, Ivankas husband Jared Kushner, has just got a new little work of his father-in-law. By the end of 2020 shall he thus stand for the construction of 700 kilometres of grænsemur between the UNITED states and Mexico.

the Family’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. topper the american book charts with his venstrefløjsrevser, ‘Triggered’. And finally, have a son, Eric Trump, according to FoxNews stood behind a record-breaking collection for the 2020-election campaign.

“It is something that is completely broken in our system. In the media, we believe that the downturn has begun. But just as we point to the latest scandal, so it happens unexpected, and too many illogical, to Donald Trumps popularity increases. During the Watergate scandal led new scandals to dive in Richard Nixon’s popularity. In Trumps case it is the opposite,” writes Brad Stephens in the New York Times.

All of the american media, predicts continued, to rigsretssagen against Donald Trump becomes a reality. And according to the same media will vote in the House of Representatives take place before christmas.

It is, however, the u.s. senate, which must decide whether the president is guilty or not. Here Trumps own party, the Republicans, the majority. Therefore, think no on the a ‘guilty’ruling.