Ishockeyspilleren Kristian Jensen anchor not its voldsdom.

“I have decided not to appeal the case. It has been two extremely hard months. I have not really want to go through again,” he says:

“I don’t want to go and wait on it. I want to get on with my life and focus on hockey.”

Kristian Jensen was last Friday sentenced to 20 days imprisonment after he was found guilty of having awarded the Odense Bulldogs’ Lucas Bjerre Rasmussen a blow to the head on the ice in the middle of a battle.

Ishockeyspilleren and his lawyer had 14 days to consider whether the matter should be appealed to the Vestre Landsret.

the Danish ice Hockey Union’s disciplinary committee has given Kristian Jensen quarantine forward to deneme bonusu 1. december.

This corresponds to a total of 17 matches where he has not been able to get on the ice.

the Judge and the lay judges were agreed about its size up to the 20 days ‘ unconditional imprisonment. It was, however, a more lenient sentence than the prosecutor had wanted.

In Frederikhavn White Hawks have director Henrik Andersen found that Kristian Jensen ‘went over the line’. Ishockeyspilleren have kept his job at the club.

“He is hard hit by the case. Since it began, he received crazy many threats on sms, emails and on social media,” has klubdirektøren previously said to the B. T.

At the trial was Lucas Bjerre Rasmussen called as a witness.

Here he could tell that he still has residual effects of the attack in the form of headaches, nausea and memory loss – he has been awarded a compensation of 5.740 million for pain and suffering.