Maveproblemerne that plagued the Danish WORLD cup camp upon arrival to Japan, has now completely disappeared.

All players announce themselves in completely fresh to the Danish kvindelandsholds premierekamp at the handball WORLD cup against Australia on Saturday.

It also applies to the five, which last week was hit by stomach problems on a trip to Japan and spent the first days of the WORLD cup preparations in regular service against the toilet.

It was hard, but after about 30 hours I began to be able to keep anything in me again, says Sarah Iversen, who was one of the unfortunate.

– After we had changed planes for the first time, began Cecilie Greve suddenly to get it bad. Then it was Kristina Jørgensen hit, and then I was number three.

– 7-9-13 I’ve only been hit by the vomit, and there is someone who has had it worse, says stregspilleren.

in addition to the three mentioned have also Stine Bodholt and Kathrine Heindahl had stomach problems, which therefore occurred at the worst possible time: On a 11 hours long flytur from Munich to Osaka.

Sarah Iversen tells the story of a journey, where the players sat with their faces down in plastic bags, because they could not reach the toilet.

No one knows exactly what was the reason for the players upset stomach, and hardly out of it.

– It is not something that is infected through the air, as would several players being hit. It must be something we have eaten, and fortunately, we have not given anything to the other, says Sarah Iversen.

She had to face the first training, when the team of the week since arrived to the training camp in Okinawa. The day after she was in action, and since it has only gone forward.

When you have no been able to eat and drink in 30 hours, so one should make sure to get plenty on board. But the buffet has been great, so there has been a good opportunity to get tanked up, says Iversen.

the Team arrived on Thursday for the WORLD cup-the city of Kumamoto, and all trained Betpas with the full force of Thursday night local time.
