Hotels, handball and to get used to the time zone.

This is what much of the time has been spent in Kumamoto for Safirbet the national team, however, also managed to get a few experiences on the way. And a single have set deeper traces than the other.

“It has made allerstørst impression on me was at a school where we were inside and visit some classes, eat lunch with them, and we spoke with some of the students, where they subsequently were to our fight against the boys. It did insanely much impression on me, that there are so many cultural differences, but they were so sweet and welcoming.”

How to tell Mie Højlund on one of the tours, the WORLD cup-the team was at when they were in Okinawa, where the first days in Japan were spent. She was even in a class that had the stitching and tests.

And that exactly was the experience that ‘hit’ landsholdsprofilen was due to, among other things, to the students.

“It’s hard to put into words. The young people here are very shy and introverts, but they are so cute, and once you get the conversation started, they have so many questions and is interested in one. It was just a good experience to talk with them,” says landsholdsprofilen with a smile.

it made an impression because, among other things, that the meeting with the shy students were a contrast to how she herself is.

And transparency, there still is, and that is not something she was experiencing in exactly the same way in the familiar Danish framework.

“I think, well, we are home in Denmark may have a tendency to look down, and there is not as much contact with the outside world. I have felt the people here (in Japan, ed.) have been so friendly, smiles and says hello. It has just been a good experience,” says Mie Højlund and continues:

“I think we could learn a bit of it. I hope I take some of it home to Denmark,” says landsholdsprofilen, who has been in Japan with the team since the 22. november.

She has previously told how the time difference can be a challenge to keep in touch with those on the home front.

“A month may not sound like a long time, but it can be. It also feels longer when you just intensively living in a hotel room and recharge for the next match. Is it nice to be in contact with the family. It should tilrettelæges,” she has previously told.