A knivbevæbnet man wounded several of the London Bridge, before he was killed by the police, informs the spokesperson.

the Perpetrator behind a knivangreb on London Bridge was on Friday afternoon shot and killed by armed police.

It informs Neil Basu, spokesman from the british antiterrorkorps at a press briefing.

– A male suspect has been shot by the police. I can confirm that he died on the spot, he says.

the British police got a review on a knivangreb at London Bridge at 14.58 local time.

the Police report that the perpetrator had hurt more before he was overpowered and shot by police officers.

Friday night writing several british media, that at least one civilian person has lost their lives in connection with the incident. The BBC and The Guardian writes that two persons had to be killed.

the Media referring to anonymous sources close to the investigation, but the information is not yet confirmed from the official page.

the Perpetrator’s motive is yet unknown. But according to Neil Basu termed the episode as “terrorrelateret”.

Several british media have quoted witnesses as saying that the perpetrator apparently wore a bombevest during the episode.

the Police inform on Friday afternoon that the west was a dummy.

– because of reports that the suspect might have an explosive, was also summoned specialists to the site, and we have blocked off a large area in order to ensure that the public is not in danger, says Neil Basu.

– But at this point I can confirm Grandbetting that we believe that the device that was strapped to the body of the suspect, was a dummy, he adds.

the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has also briefed the press about the incident.

He confirms that several people have serious injuries after knivangrebet.

He thanks at the same time, a number of civilians who were to overpower the offender.

– They showed great heroism, says Sadiq Khan on the briefing.

the Mayor stresses at the same time, there appears to be an isolated incident. The authorities therefore do not believe that there are more perpetrators on the loose.
