Coach Klavs Bruun Jørgensen considers the WORLD premiere as an additional test, before it becomes real.

It is said that in sport, anything can happen, but once in a while you will encounter battles, where styrkeforskellen is so huge that it challenges the more easily worn-out claim.

Such a case it is Denmark’s match against Australia on the opening day of the WORLD cup in western christianity and most.

At several bookmakers to get odds of 1 in Denmark. It will say that no one will serve on the Danish victory, regardless of how much money you have played.

I can well understand, says national coach Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

He points out that Australia qualified for the WORLD cup through a fifth place finish at the asian championships last year. The team relax ahead despite initial defeats on 19 goals for Japan and 8 goals for Kazakhstan.

– It is hold, we turn to even in the bunch of half-slack days. But we need to use the fight well and get as much out of it as possible. If nothing else, so thought extra confidence, says Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

to Be the WORLD cup-the experience is quite discouraging. The team has been seven times and can present a statistic on the 43 defeat in 43 matches and a combined goal difference of minus 1050.

– the Countries in Oceania do not have a proud tradition of handball. The players are often picked up from some smaller leagues in Europe, because they have a grandparent from Australia, points out the Danish national coach.

It is one of the kind of opponents, where even a comfortable victory can feel like an annoying experience, if the detail in the game is not working.

– Yes, if there have been many technical errors, many burned shots and too many goals against, says stregspilleren Kathrine Heindahl.

– You are of course happy for the victory, but it does not provide the sejrsrus, which you get if you feel that we got them set properly to the wall.

Immediately, it can be difficult to see the sporting justification of such a notion, but for the danes it is a valuable opportunity to test the mold after a kampfattig prelude to the WORLD cup.

Denmark has not played a test match since July. And the WORLD cup-forberedelsernes only test was Pashacasino against a team of japanese gymnasiedrenge last weekend.

– I know that you can’t say that the match against Australia is a friendly match, for we must have respect for them.

– But we are significantly better than them. Thus we have had two matches before it gets seriousness, says Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

Seriously, it becomes Sunday against south Korea, which in the past was a great power in the international western christianity and most.
