Brøndby took to Telia the Park with a victory from the recent derby, but had to this time to suffer defeat after two goals from Viktor Fischer. It looked like long, to the blue-and-yellow got a point with the home, but it changed the FCKs biggest profile in the last moment.

Here is the B. T. s grades for Brondby.

Brøndby 3-5-2

Was not put on the very large samples in the first half of the match, where Brøndby did well with the initiative, but in the second half he was really the brand the new at in the Telia Parken, with many good saves. In particular, he had a great one on Sotirious’ header. Can not be faulted for Fischer’s two goals. the grade 8

No glaring errors, as the two former have tended to. He was confident in the performance of his duties and played for the most part the ball in the feet of a teammate. the grade 6

He is ice cold on the ball and delivered a sukkerbold over the FCK-defence at the end of the match, as Brøndby could have taken the whole package with the home, but it was not to be. And then came the temperament of the cook, because he was going to show Santos that he should relax or get on the mouth. the grade 7

Had its share in føringsmålet, when he won a duel against Sotiriou and started jublen for the guests, but then he came on glatis and rolled into Anthony Jung, as Dame N’Doye had a free run at goal and be able to create the 1-1 goal. the grade 6

Back on his favoritplads for the benefit of a coat of arms Mensah, who otherwise has a speed, which could be used by the equalizer. The Swedish Volvo hung several times in the brake, especially since Fischer enabled the turbo in the Audien and unchecked could put the ball in the intoxication. the grade 4

Brøndbys past so ensure the weapon in front of goal in this autumn did everything right on his end. Headede opposite way of the ball’s direction and downward, but a miraculous rescue from Johnsson prevented the German to get up and mingle in the top three on the unique in scandinavia because the high score table. the grade 6

Was not really bad, but not good. The great football game from Mukhtar, who has previously captivated the crowd in nationalarenaen, was already on his way to board a plane to the UNITED states, while the remnants after with under an hour of play of the match sat down disappointed on the bench. the grade 5

the Music in the young knægts hørebøffer is certainly with the latest notes from Gilli and Kesi as many other 18-year-old Danish boys, but on the pitch he is like a second Simon Rattle, who orchestrated the pressure, the temperature and the right tackle. He was Brøndbys Zeca, just better in this battle! the grade 8

A sandwich with it all, thank you! It had N’Doye just don’t want to be the sausage in, so he disappeared from Jung and Rosted, and put his own hunger with the paper, and while the German back just look frustrated while he was pressed well in the bottom of his teammate in the panini grill. So bad again at the 2-1-goal. the grade 4

The assist from Simon Hedlund, who once again shows that he can find the Polish angrebskollega Wilczek in the blind. His first half was to the top rated with deep run and good attack, while he as the rest of the visiting team lost momentum in the last 45 minutes. the grade 7

Thanked them for a great personal tribute from Brøndbys fans to perpetuate his name with the goal number 70 in the League. The previous record holder Super Ebbe Sand has now been to the Super Kamil Wilczek. Wilczek had earned an assist on the formidable handing over to the Kaiser, but a true klasseredning from Johnsson prevented the pole in to fly away from the Park with his cape on. the grade 7


It is here autumn has been skadesplaget, and in the half-hour, he went, he could not prevent the big FCK-pressure. the grade 5

Came in with under 20 minutes left. UB.

Got only an 8-minute money. UB.

It was in the derby almost two months ago, that the Brøndby-coach made its preliminary biggest stroke of Kalebet genius with formationsændringen to 3-5-2, and it has given fine results ever since. In Telia Parken could karantæneramte Frederiksen from the spectators see that the new direction still works, especially against FCKs usually dangerous backer, but it was not enough for points. the grade 6