Nancy Pelosi: We have realized that this is an existential threat. We have not lived up to the challenges.

The american kongresleder Nancy Pelosi says at UN climate talks COP25 in Madrid, that the world can still rely on the UNITED states in the fight against global warming despite president Donald Trumps political line.

the Democrat Pelosi is in Madrid, together with 14 other members of Congress to make it clear that a large part of the UNITED states is strongly committed to living up to the goals that were set out in the treaty of paris from 2015. This applies, among other things, most democratic presidential candidates.

– We are here to say to all of You on behalf of the House of Representatives and the UNITED states congress, that we’re still, stated Pelosi to big Marsbahis applause.

– We have realized that this is an existential threat. We have not lived up to the challenges, it was called on.

Trump calling global warming a “blufnummer”, and he has pulled the UNITED states out of the treaty of paris, which 196 countries have signed. Its overall goal is to keep the global temperature increase below two degrees compared to the førindustrielt level and strive to limit it to 1.5 degrees.

the UNITED states played during the Trumps predecessor, Barack Obama, a central role in the efforts to get the agreement in place.

– We have a moral responsibility to future generations to pass on this planet in a better way, stresses Pelosi and adds:

– We see climate change as a matter of public health.

Pelosi, who stood together with leaders from, among others, Costa Rica and Bangladesh, stating at the same time, it also is an economic issue, because it applies to all of the new green technologies.

– And we consider it to be a matter of national security.

Shortly before had the UN secretary-general, António Guterres, at the opening of climate meeting warned that the world’s governments are likely to go in their sleep by “a point of no return”.

Guterres, a former Portuguese prime minister and a leading proponent of more ambitious action to stop climate change, fear that there is a form of collective surrender to the problems, which he believes will be damaging for everyone’s health and safety.

– we Want truly to be remembered as the generation that stuck its head in the sand, he said at the inaugural session of the hangaragtige convention centre in the Spanish capital.
