A new agreement came Monday at the space in Danish football, Holiganbet and the need to improve conditions for young players.

A new agreement should improve the conditions for the very young footballers, as well as those who need to plan for life after the active career.

It is part of the package, which came into place on Monday between Divisionsforeningens Employers ‘ association, which represents football clubs, and Spillerforeningen.

It informs Spillerforeningen and the organization of division in a press release.

It explained that the parties have agreed on a new agreement for fodboldspillernes recruitment in the Danish clubs, and that the agreement runs for the next five and a half years.

It has according to the parties, not been a dramatic development to agree, as you have seen it in other agreements in the Danish football.

– the Agreement has come into existence after a constructive process with a series of meetings of over ten meetings and without the need to terminate the current agreement in writing it.

Some of the major new initiatives made in the area of trainees – that is, young players who are still in the walk with their fodbolduddannelse.

another new element in the agreement is that there is increased funding for uddannelsesrÄdgivning, job counselling and the handling of fodboldkarrieren.

Jeppe Curth, who is the president of Spillerforeningen, points out that the agreement also is a help to the players at the end of the fodboldkarrieren.

– the Agreement ensures that there is now even greater focus on those who are on their way in and out of kontraktfodbolden, which are two important transitions for the human being behind the footballer, and, therefore, important to have attention, he says.

Thomas Christensen, chairman of the Divisionsforeningens Employers ‘ association, believes it is important to have a focus on young players.

– the Agreement provides better conditions for the fact that several of our trainees can give the football to fully focus in the important transitionsfase from youth to seniorspiller.
