“When I must tell a story, it starts often with the ‘me and mom’.”

that was the gist of it honestly and with a big grin from Freja Cohrt, before the national team travelled to the WORLD cup in Japan.

this got multiple profiles it a bit bold question, who would call most home during the finals. Several pointed at the Odense-profile, and she also pointed out herself as a good bet.

After nearly three weeks away, the question is then whether it is also the way it is in Japan.

“I have of course done that,” says slutrundedebutanten with a big grin.

She is talking with her mother by means of Facetime, and it can be anything from 10 minutes to half an hour. The length doesn’t mean much.

“It is just to provide a heartbeat and know all is well. Of course I’ve called my mother many times. Not every day, but so often it just fit,” says 25-year-old Freja Cohrt.

Along with the rest of the team, she is many thousand kilometers away from Denmark and the family. At the same time, there is also a time difference to take into account, and therefore it is about the right Pinbahis to find a hole where it fit to call home.

Something that has not so far been a problem for Freja Cohrt and the mother, who must also do without his daughter in a long time. So far, this is the third week, they go into now, and potentially it may end up to be a month in total.

“She thinks it is terrible. She is happy to follow, and she has the opportunity to see our matches, even if they are in some curious times. It’s really okay. It helps that she can follow with on the tv. She is proud of. We’re talking the most about fighting what you feel, how you have it. There’s nothing extra,” smiled Freja Cohrt.

She has a very close bond to his mother, and to have a talk with her occasionally during finals means a lot to her.

“My mother means the world to me, there is no doubt about that. It’s hard to explain how much one’s mother means, but my mother means very much for me. It makes me always in a good mood to talk with her, so it is something you prioritize,” says Odense-player, who does not live alone during finals, where all of the team live two and two.

Freja Cohrt sharing a room with Louise Burgaard, and it is ‘absolutely cannon’, she says. Rooms in Japan are not large, so they come to each other, but it takes the with a smile.

Also when the other team taunts them with the fact that they make. And the fact that having a roomie means a lot, says Freja Cohrt.

“It is really nice. Especially when it is one you are comfortable with and talk well with. It also means something, you can relax in each other’s company, and there also can be no peace, because it is the only door we can close. Tosomheden is good and it is also for the whole group. It means a lot to have a roommate. It would be piss boring to stay three weeks alone. So I don’t think it would be so much in the room at least,” says slutrundedebutanten.

so far she has, together with Denmark picked up a win and a tie in the first two matches against Australia and south Korea. In the last three games waiting for Germany, Brazil and France.