We have seen Melania give her husband Donald Trump a smack over the fingers. And we have seen her give the president a certain elbow in the side. But when darkness falls in The White House, so there is no smack, kiss, or elbows on the program.

According to the new book ‘Free Melania’, which was released on Tuesday, sleep the president and the first lady, not only in the bedroom but also on each floor.

“the first lady, prefers her own large and private area on its own floor. She has a suite bestaående of several rooms. Here she can always be herself.”

Sådsan slices journalist and author Kate Bennett in his book ‘Free Melania’.

After almost three in The White House has Donald Trumps 49-year-old wife managed to keep its secretive image almost 100 percent intact.

But Kate Bennett, who is daily working for the tv station CNN, is one of the few who have come quite close to the Trump family. And in ‘Free Melania’ dippers she of ‘the secrets’.

Thus tells Bennett that neither Donald or Melania Trump can make the right own, without first asking their private police, Secret Service on the law.

“If they were Murdered goes on an unauthorized trip in the garden, who declared the lock-down mode. Neither she or the president may, without the authorisation regulate the thermostat and thereby change the temperature in The White House. Yes, they can’t even open a window without first asking the Secret Service about the law,” writes Kate Bennett.

But despite the many restrictions, Melania Trump, according to the ‘Free Melania’ not afraid to take a healthy decision when there is a need for it.

As one of the president’s safety advisers Mira Ricardel last year so behaved inappropriate opposite førstedamens staff, demurred Donald Trump to give him a kick. Therefore took Melania literally pen in his own hand.

“After førstedamens opinion makes the Mira Ricardel no longer deserving of the honor it is to work in The White House.”

How was that in a press release. And the day after was Mr Ricardel pist away.

“I have called the book ‘Free Melania’ (‘Set Melania free’). Some times it seems namely like, Melania Trump is being held back against his velje. Other times she is like a fish in water. And she is not pale for giving the president good advice. According to my intelligence sources, Melania his opinion both via the phone and other times face-to-face. And the Donald Trump listening when Melania speak.”

so says Kate Bennett in a new interview with CNN.

And in ‘Free Melania’ writes Kate Bennet is not only about Melania Trump.

‘Førstedatter’ Ivanka Trump also get a word with on the way. And in this context, reveals Kate Bennett, that the relationship between the Trumps third wife and the eldest daughter from the president’s first marriage, no longer quite as before.

“Officially sounds from film izle The White House, to Ivanka and Melania have the ‘fine’ and that they ‘support each other’. But there are cracks in the facade. And according to my sources breaks Melania’t care about the impact, Ivanka has, both as a daughter and counselor to the president,” tells Bennett to CNN.