Leon Madsen to be operated 6. and 10. december. He expects to be painless in the future speedwaysæson.

Leon Madsen has been suffering with a herniated disc through large parts of the speedwaysæsonen, and without he knew it, he has also been running with a broken ankle. Therefore he must now use the sport’s winter break to undergo two operations.

On Friday, he must under the knife for the first time, and on Tuesday next week waiting for yet another surgery, telling the Danish viceverdensmester.

– I must have surgery for a herniated disc with a new method of treatment. To burn some nerve fibers, and it should I have done down here in Poland 6. december, so I will hopefully be rid of my pain in the back.

– 10. december should I have operated two large metal rods out of my leg, for they are the reason I have so many pain in my ankle, says Leon Madsen.

Although it may sound paradoxical, he did not know that the ankle was broken.

– When I crashed in summer, defected to the one metal rod out of the bone in the ankle, so I’ve actually been running with a broken ankle in the one-half of the season, but we have first found out of here afterwards.

– So it has been the reason that I have had so many pains, and my ankle has been swollen the whole time, says Leon Madsen.

despite the pain, he fought through the entire season without missing a WORLD cup contest. To the last he was only two kralbet giriş points away from becoming the world champion.

After the operations he can keep a relaxing christmas vacation. Then do you expect to be able to train at the same level as earlier in his career.

– I should probably relax in a few weeks and get rid of my pain, but I also trust that I can be pain free afterwards, so I can train at 100 percent in January and be fully fit when the season starts.

– I must just see how it goes on the other side of operations, but will hopefully get the positive influence on the upcoming season, so I must not suffer pain, but only to concentrate on running strong, says Leon Madsen.
