“It will be a little different game.”

How has it been going on in the Danish camp before the match against Germany, and it got the right. Denmark was in trouble against the germans, there is not even demonstrated world class.

It did Sandra Toft in return, and with a lot of rescues, she was the who kept the danes inside the fight.

Unfortunately for her and the rest of the Danish national team handed the victory. Among other things, due to too many offensive errors, and Germany could attach my fists, and take a win at 26-25.

A goal for the first 11 minutes. It was what was on the Danish bottom line. Denmark started the match miserable with a sea of offensive mistakes. Completed poorly, made unsafe passing, and the otherwise, so ensure straffeskytte, Stine Jørgensen, burned. Everything it also got Klavs Bruun Jørgensen to take an early time-out.

It helped also not on the cases that Denmark got two two-minute expulsions in the first ten minutes. Denmark played out, however, and could go to the break behind with ‘only’ two – among other things thanks to Sandra Toft, which kept the red and white into the fray with a very strong performance in the Danish goal.

Let now be to make the opponents better than they are. There were too many technical Danish mistakes against a German team that in no ways owner. They also made mistakes. And more of them.

And so, it is just too bad, for example, to burn two times in empty goal. To throw the ball needlessly away. It was not good enough. Klavs Bruun Jørgensen told, that the pulse was high against south Korea.

It has undeniably also been in the day, and the Danish national coach also kralbet got shouted to his crew several times. With the defeat, Denmark has set itself in a difficult position before the final two matches against Brazil and France. They must be won. And it will not be easy.

The fallen not the hall. But still it was a somewhat special experience to look in the stands. It offers a little extra when it’s not just the locals who are sitting and cheering on both teams.

Equipped with wigs, flags and drum sticks and cried, a group of German the whole game through in an attempt to carry their heroes forward.

No, it rungede perhaps not, for they filled a very modest fraction of the seats, but it gave just a little extra. In the majority of the fight, they were also the ones who had the most to shout about.