Frederik Løchte Nielsen replaces Kenneth Carlsen on the men’s team, where he will be playing the captain.

Frederik Løchte Nielsen will be the captain for the Davis Cup team.

In a press release writes, the French Tennis Federation, to Løchte replaces Kenneth Carlsen on the men’s team in the upcoming showdown against Puerto Rico in march and in the future.

Løchte was the debut for Davis Cup team in 2003 and has been every year since 2005. He goes therefore to the task with a certain experience.

– the Time is right, and I have said yes, because I feel I can do a good job. It is a great honour to be captain for my country, says Løchte in the message.

– the Davis Cup has always been the top priority for me and the source of most joy and the best tennisminder, I am so excited to continue on the team in a new role and hopefully help to create new good times for the team and Danish tennis.

The new role does not mean, however, that Frederik Løchte Nielsen will end his career. In the national team he will be playing the captain, which only is in the double.

the 36-year-old Løchte looks bright on the team’s Davis Cup future.

– It is a very exciting time for Danish tennis. We have a group of really good kralbet players who have gone through the us college system, as well as the best juniors we might ever have had.

– I think we have a combination, which eventually may play the Davis Cup Finals, and it is our ambition, he says.

Kenneth Carlsen has been the captain for Denmark since his debut in march 2009. He feels that the team is a good place ten years later.

– The last years I have been in the process to renew the team with younger forces. Players, I both at present and in the past have been a coach for, and as I believe, has the potential to bring the Davis Cup team right up at the top of the world elite.

I had been excited for this journey. I want the Danish Davis Cup team all the best and look forward to seeing them fulfil their huge potential, says Kenneth Carlsen.

Tennisforbundet informs, moreover, that Martin Linnet Killemose is employed as a trainer for the Davis Cup team.
