A handful of significant political leaders and allies storhånede president of the UNITED states Donald Trump behind his back, as the Tuesday evening gathered at the upscale soft blankets with queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace for cocktails and informal talk in connection with the NATO meeting in London.

Britain’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, president of the French republic Emmanuel Macron, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, Holland’s Mark Rutte and the princess Anne was accidentally ‘caught’ by a camera, while they stand together in a circle and laughing and making themselves rich over Donald Trumps latest unpredictable reaction.

“Yes, yes, yes! You could just see the jaws of all his (Trumps, red.) team fall to the ground,” says an avid Justine Trudeau, who is sipping on a beer, while the others are laughing and participating in the ‘hyggehånen’ of the us president.

Donald Trump is otherwise – the other political leaders want it or is – NATO’s with the distance of the absolute biggest and most important player.

It is apparent from the 43 seconds long video sequence, that Justin Trudeau has previously explained that the reason that there has been delay, is that Trump – seemingly completely outside of the program – suddenly chose to hold a 40-minute long press conference shortly after his arrival.

Boris Johnson is seen stand and laugh and even go down in the knees, while he addressed to the Macron says: “Oh, that’s why you were late.”

And so materials that would otherwise turn to the fine glass with insightful miner.

Donald Trump has not yet responded to his favorite medium, Twitter, where the video has already been shared several times. Wednesday morning is the sequence – only on Twitter – has been seen by more than four million followers.