Nato approves a new defensive plan for the baltic countries, confirms the Nato secretary-general after the summit.

the heads of State and government of the forsvarsalliancen Nato is on Wednesday reached agreement on a revision of a defensive plan for the baltic countries and Poland.

Turkey had blocked such a resolution with an ultimatum. But the 29 countries is nevertheless agreed, to confirm the alliance’s secretary general after a summit north of London.

– today We approved a revision of the forsvarsplanen for Poland and the baltic countries, ” says Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference.

the Secretary-general says that he has had a good dialogue with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Norwegian will not comment on what Erdogan said at the bilateral meeting.

It appears, therefore, not immediately, what has been Erdogan to backtrack.

Turkey has not as such had nothing against the new defensive plan.

But the turks have been angry over the fact that other Nato countries will not join, you must designate the kurdish group YPG as a terrorist organisation.

The Nato countries totally rejected. Therefore, Turkey block a resolution on the forsvarsplanen.

the prime minister says that the question of what to call the YPG, not at all was discussed at the summit itself on golfstedet The Grove at Watford.

the Kurds were frontsoldater for the western forces in Syria, during fighting against Islamic State. The prime minister of denmark, Mette Frederiksen (S), struck on Tuesday, firmly, that she is not going to follow the Turkey’s requirements.

Turkey has also challenged the unity of the alliance by investing in Russian weapons – namely the defense system S-400.

As a member of Nato buying man not the weapons of the enemy. Jens Stoltenberg said after the summit that the S-400 will never be able to be integrated into the Nato military systems.

the UNITED states has as a consequence decided to keep Turkey out of a program for kampflyet the F-35.
