John Nielsen has spotted detail by Kevin Magnussens appearance.

“just Try to notice Kevin, when he stands and talks with Luna (TV3 Sports reporter Christofi, red). He is completely burnt out,” says tv expert.

It is in the aftermath of the season’s final Formula 1 race of the weekend, to John Nielsen notes how the Danish racing driver looks out, as he after the race being interviewed.

Kevin Magnussen seems to have it hot, looking tired. And have a towel on the neck.

It gets TV3 Sport-expert to compare the Danish Haas-running with world champion Lewis Hamilton, who shortly before have been on the screen.

“Try to notice Hamilton, when he stopped, He was sweating almost not. It is typically. It is not because they are not just fitte both. They are probably just trained.” says John Nielsen.

“But Kevin has a car, he must contend with in two hours, while Hamilton has a car that just manages to where he is pointing.”