– Canada’s prime minister speaks with two tongues, says Donald Trump, who thinks he has spoken enough with the press.

The u.s. president has canceled its large press conference after a summit of Nato on Wednesday.

– I think we have had press conferences enough, says Donald Trump, after the 29 heads of state and government have completed their work session on golfstedet The Grove to the north of London.

in recent days, Trump spoken of by a number of press conferences in connection with bilateral meetings with other heads of state and government.

He has also set aside time in his calendar to meet with the prime minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen (S). But the meeting has been postponed at least an hour, since the us president is busy with other meetings.

on Tuesday met the allies with queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace.

Here was the canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, filmed in conversation with, among others, the british prime minister, Boris Johnson, and the president of France, Emmanuel Macron.

You can on the recording to hear snatches of their conversation, in which Trudeau allegedly talking about his earlier meeting with Trump.

Trudeau talks about the press conference dragged on and lasted 40 minutes. He laughs a little and says: “I looked at his (Trumps) delegation, which just lost jaws”.

– He speaks with two tongues, says Trump about the canadian prime minister, before he meet with Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, on Wednesday.

The american president believes that Trudeau takes on the laughable, because Trump has lifted a forefinger against Canada, with the requirement that it spends two percent of gdp on defense. It is not the case now.

Donald Trump has previously held long press conferences after summits in Nato.

the Most dramatic – and perhaps disquieting – it was in Brussels, as Trump in the summer of 2018 had created doubt about AMERICA’s support for Nato’s article 5, which is the alliance’s musketered: One for all, all for one.
