Strikes, demonstrations and street clashes, shaking large parts of France. Police in the capital, using tear gas.

the Police in Paris, the French capital, has begun to use tear gas to disperse demonstrations, which have developed in the violent direction.

6000 cops are deployed in Paris.

The typing of the news agencies AFP and Reuters.

the Situation took off in Paris not long after that, the police in the western city of Nantes saw also forced to use tear gas.

on the whole, the Thursday demonstrations in many cities in France, which is also affected by the extensive strikes in the public sector.

In Paris, which was a strike in the public sector at the same time extended to Monday.

Demonstrations and arbejdsnedlæggelserne, which can escalate sharply in the coming days, is aimed at a long-planned pension reform from the president, Emmanuel Macrons government.

It can mean a higher retirement age for many.

the Reform is, according to the Macron necessary, and it has a central place in his programme of reform.

90 percent of all the fast trains and regional trains were on Thursday morning were cancelled at the state rail networks, SNCF, while the carrier Air France has canceled 30 percent of its domestic flights.

About every fifth school in the country were closed Thursday, and 11 of the 16 metro lines in Paris were also shut down.

By noon it had about 285.000 persons participated in the demonstrations across the country.

In the figure are the several thousand demonstrators begin a protest in Paris at 14, not spoken with.

The powerful trade unions announced that the strike can be prolonged and continue up to christmas.

Macron has called his countrymen “too negative” and criticizing many to be too quick to create conflict and turmoil.

A poll by Ifop published in the newspaper Journal du Dimanche shows that 76 percent of French people support a pension reform.

But only 36 percent think that Macron can implement it.
