Morten Andersen stopped to kick a football in the NFL for 12 years ago, but his name is not forgotten in the sport.

the Dane, who in august became an american citizen, was nominated for the title of history’s best kicker in the NFL, but he was bypassed.

It is the NFL itself, which has been responsible for the crowning of the best team in 100 years, the series has existed, and here had to Morten Andersen on Friday night, two colleagues, or competitors if you will, sneak in front of him.

Common to both the Adam hall of fame and the Norwegian Jan Stenerud, is that they both have won the Super Bowl, which Morten Andersen in an otherwise successful career never achieved.

After karrierestoppet be able to 59-year-old Morten Andersen not completely rid the NFL of which he was a part of in a career that lasted 27 years, and he was hanging by the expert on the big channels CBS and FOX.

But today he doing something completely different and stick to arrange golfarrangementer.

“I also have here my preparation period, one can say, then I have a period where it executes, and then a debriefing, where you look at the good, the bad, the ugly. And it is the current process you have in the footballing world, how to prepare for the fight, they play fight, and so will be valued, then it is on to the next project. Many of the disciplines I learned in the sport, I can use in the private sector,” he told in a quite recent interview with the B. T. on his new life.

you can read more about here.