‘What, you say, is you yourself.’

The kind one hears usually only when children tease each other. But today it is also the tone of the american toppolitik.

on Thursday announced kongresmedlemmet Nancy Pelosi that she as the leader of the democratic majority in the House of Representatives will aim for impeachment of AMERICA’s republican president Donald Trump a short time after the new year.

And thus began yet another bickering between Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump – two american politicians, there several times is tørnet together since Trumps electoral victory in 2016.

‘Nervous Nancy just got a nervous attack,’ wrote Trump so mocking on Twitter.

And during an interview with CNN, said Nancy Pelosi quickly again:

“the President calls the other nervous. But it is the reality himself, who is nervous.”

Across from the CNN repeated the Nancy Pelosi, that she every day asking for the president and his family.

And, again, was Trump quickly on Twitter: ‘I don’t believe That. She asks not for me. She hates me.’

after Which Nancy Pelosi responded: “When he says that I do not ask, it is because he does not pray.”

“This here is mind-boggling. It sounds more like a kindergarten than The White House,” noted tv host Joe Scarborough on MSNBC.

And børnehaveniveauet continued at a press conference, where a republican reporter asked Nancy Pelosi: “do you Hate president Trump?”

“You should feel ashamed to use the word ‘hate’ in a question to me. I don’t hate anyone. I grew up in a catholic home, and that is why I have grown up with love in my heart,” said Nancy Pelosi, while she pointed at the inquiring journalist James Rose from the right-wing media Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Hereby continues the cold war really broke out in connection with the president’s first State of the Union speech 30. January 2018.

Here was Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump photographed in the middle of a silent frontal assault, in which Pelosi is clearly ironic clapping of Trump, who in turn sent the head of the House of Representatives an olmt glance.

Since it has come to the bickering of the open screen, as Trump in december invited the press to an unsuccessful meeting in The Oval Office, reprimands with a swinging index finger and lots of snarky Twitter exchanges.

‘American politics is turned into a realityshow, where Donald Trump with success has enticed the otherwise serious opponents with down to a level we normally associate with (realityprogrammet, red.) ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians”, writes Michael Shear in the New York Times.

And while Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump argue, continues processed to a possible impeachment.

As you know, think Donald Trumps political opponents from the democratic party, that he should be brought to a rigsret. Among other things, of abusing his power and repeatedly attempt to stop their investigation. And according to CNN watching the calendar like this:

On Monday, the four lawyers specializing in intelligence are heard in congress of the legal committee. In the course of the next week will be the same by the legal committee, prepare four or more the charges against Donald Trump. In the week that starts with 16. december, all 435 members of the House of Representatives vote on whether rigsretssagen become reality. And in January or February will Trump in all probability, be acquitted in the senate, where republicans have the majority.