Brøndby led for the third match in a row defeat when FC Midtjylland ran with all the points at stamford bridge.

Therefore, it requires that the AGF in the last round of play in the fall, throw the points against just League-the league leaders, and Brøndby even beats Hobro at home next weekend, if the current hold on the third place must be passed by the stick, Brøndby see themselves as Among the unique in scandinavia because the three best teams.

But even if it were to happen, it is only just approved in fodbolddirektør Carsten V. Jensen’s eyes.

“In principle we see ourselves as the top three teams, and had we won today, we had been in third place. So it is within reach, but it is only just passable, I would say, if we end up there. It has been very up and down, I must say. Overall I am satisfied with the offensive and less satisfied with the defensive play,” says Brøndbys fodbolddirektør.

the Club’s head coach Niels Frederiksen was not much to talk about, whether it will be a challenge to defend a toptre-location.

“I don’t know. Let Carsten comment on the objectives, so trainer I the team,” he says, and tells about it having to live up to the goal:

“It is clear, it is on my table, so I must see if I can.”

Applicable for the defeat to FC Midtjylland and the other two lost matches for AGF and FC Copenhagen is that they all have been close showdown, and it kept the courage up and at ‘CV’.

“I just want to say that in the last three matches we should have much more than zero points, that’s how it is. But I’m old in the trade, and I know that it can hit the pole and knocked out instead of in, we must eat. I would have it far worse, if we weren’t playing matches.”

“Second half of the match in Aarhus is really good, the fight in the Park is really good, most of the fight in the day we sit on the game. Overall performance is okay, the results are not so good,” explains fodbolddirektøren.

Niels Frederiksen had the same analysis of today’s match.

“I think we are better on the ball than Nsw are in the first half. So, it becomes a little too much a duelkamp in the second half, and we play a little too much on their terms and don’t get quite the same peace to create opportunities, that’s how it was.”

“You can look at it as you will. You can choose to look at it like that before here are three incredibly close matches, we have won five in a row. We seem good, we could have scored points in the Park, and we also think we could have scored points today, but that’s how it is sometimes in football. So it does not fall straight out to one’s advantage, but in essence, it is ultimately a question of quality. But I think that if we play such a match again, there is a high probability that we will get the points with,” says Niels Frederiksen.

Now waiting for the autumn’s last game for Brøndby in the next weekend, but for Carsten V. Jensen is the tasks for the coming transfervindue well in time.

“When we look towards winter, is the primary focus, that we are 29 players in the squad, 31 including those that are rented out. So task number one is to make sure that there are not too a long way for the duration of the last players in the squad,” he says.

Brøndby has already sold Hany Mukhtar to the MLS. He was småskadet and not against FC Midtjylland.