Monday to discuss the president with the Lebanese parties, about the Hariri must be reinserted in order to tackle a serious crisis.

After longer time, with demonstrations and political crisis in Lebanon, considering the middle eastern country now, on the acting prime minister, Saad al-Hariri, again task should be to form a new government.

It informs the businessman Samir al-Khatib, according to the news agencies dpa and Reuters. He has even been a candidate for the post.

Khatib says that there is a consensus among Lebanon’s sunni politicians and leaders to ask Hariri to occupy the office again.

Hariri resigned otherwise from the post on 29. October because of the large demonstrations against alleged corruption in the government. But he is looking still in a transitional government until a new prime minister is appointed.

the Demonstrations continue, however.

Lebanon is in dire need of a government to take hold of work with to tackle the economic crisis, the country finds itself in.

According to the lebanese law must premierministerposten be filled by a sunnimuslim. The president is a christian, while he is shiamuslim.

Lebanon’s top sunni muslim leader, grand Abdul Latif Derian, support for Hariri, says Khatib.

Hariri has said that he will only return on a post of the prime minister, if he can lead a government composed of experts who can take care of the economic crisis and attract foreign support.

The current political crisis in Lebanon is the worst since the civil war in 1975-1990.

Saturday issued Lebanon a appeal to, among others, France, Egypt, Russia and Saudi Arabia. The countries were asked to “assist Lebanon to secure the credits to import” food and other necessities.

Monday, 16. december expected president Michel Aoun to bring together Lebanon’s main political parties to see whether there is broad support to ask Hariri to make an effort more.

There has immediately been a response from the protesters on the news that Hariri can be on the road to be reinstated.
